LokTech Industries; Once More
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 7:38pm
Thermal Detonator Propulsion System:

Tilt in the direction you want to go. Blow yourself up by detonating your feet. The bits of you will all fly roughly in the direction you were leaning. Reassemble yourself. Repeat.

You will make steady progress (hence, it is a propulsion system). BIT of a problem for sneak attacks though...
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 8:43pm
I guess what you mean by Thermal Detonator propulsion is that you harvest the energy that would be produced during an explosion, and use that to power your droid?

EDIT: And actually no, you would be headed for the BHG.
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 8:46pm
I like my way more...
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 9:08pm
And actually no, you would be headed for the BHG.

Is that a fact? Because, I don't think it is and, where the Guild is concerned, I'd wager on me being right and you being wrong.

TDA in my Guild = Never.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 10:32pm
God, nobody cares. Look, start and stopping the same faction multiple times contributing nothing but 2 or 3 R&Ds, no good stories, and 2 minialistic boring roleplays with more errors then interesting ideas impresses no one and does considerable damage to anyones trust or faith in you as a writer or roleplayer. And in terms of you idea, I'd say TRF's need for more droids is somewhere between the demand for a story about what happened to Jar Jar after AOTC and the demand for a return of Inuyusha Sanyo. Shelve your plans, join a group, write some stories, know your role, and stop being such a fucking clueless newbie damnit. You've been here for months and haven't figured it out yet. PAY ATTENTION.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Mar 30 2007 11:36pm
Ahnk: Thank-you.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2007 12:27am
Look man. All this angst against you is because you are on the Free-Bee TRF. You need to become a TRF Gold Member to have your respectability go up and your R&D's acknowledged as something other than tinker-toys.

Just send $59.95 to our Paypal Account for a 3 month's subscription to TRF Gold!

Pm me for more details!
Posts: 473
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2007 1:14am
I still havent recieved my alpine-scented toilet freshener set after I chipped in sixty bucks when this heap of junk moved onto Vbulletin.

I demand reimbursment and compensation darnit!
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2007 1:36am
I demand a rubber vagina
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2007 2:10am
I demand Heir be beaten to death with a rubber vagina.