Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 9:04pm
If I hear one more allusion to Iraq I am going to wretch. Can you all say botched occupation. You cannot force a people to bend to your will if you are not taking the steps neccessary to ensure obedience. America has gone about this occupation half-assed to coin the jargon of my adopted country.

Now, to harken back to a darker period of world events, Kaine is right. The French resisted on an effective scale, while doing so dishonourably, it was as stated effective. But the whiole of the population, while supportive of la' resistance, was not willing to raise up in arms until the Allied Armies were at the gates of Paris - then all hell broke loose.

This said, a population under the guns of orbiting warships, each with capability to turn seas into steam and mountains into morasses, is going to relent. It is not the words they care about, but the knowledge or intimation of what may come. The unspoken phrase of do this and die is what freezes them in their tracks.

While Kraken - you have improved greatly since we first met, and to that I give you kudos. You must, however, as we all have, occassionaly yield to common demand. The crowd wants a longer plot, then you oblige. You cannot get your work read by an irritated audience. Take my advice - I speak from experience.

That said, you cannot round up the leaders of an uprising without some time. Even if they were in the crowd - let us say a million for the sake of argument - there would be at least a dozen fanatical supporters who would spirit them away before Intelligence, however capable, could arrive.

You need to expand you work, my friend. Give the crowd what they want, and they will love you for it. Give the crowd what you want and they will murmur and moan. Give them what they don't want, and be booed from the stage.

As to the Two Union representatrives - - relax. A simple xplanation of your concerns would have been sufficient. There is enough petty bickering in life - we should not have it in fantasy.

My zwei pfennige
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 9:09pm
You cannot get your work read by an irritated audience

One Proper Noun: Gash
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 10:10pm
You cannot force a people to bend to your will if you are not taking the steps neccessary to ensure obedience


A little scary there.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 10:12pm
It is simply political theory, Dear Dolash.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 10:15pm
What was Kyric's sig again?

The beatings will continue until moral improves?
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 10:19pm
or something like this...
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: May 7 2004 10:35pm
Thank you Machiavelli.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: May 8 2004 2:17am
will edit my post
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: May 8 2004 2:43pm
I'll wait and see what you edit it to before I make my changes, as it should be.
Posts: 41
  • Posted On: May 8 2004 5:25pm
I think we still need a bit more tweaking.

You latest edit made things much more rational, but I still have on qualm:

Sighing, Kraken and his diplomats quickly retreated behind the line of stormtroopers, which quickly jammed their comlink transmissions, and then opened fire with their rifles on the crowd, their blasters set on stun, knocking them out.

In one comma laden sentence you effectivly "stunned" a huge crowd of raging rebels/protestors. This was done with a single "line of stormtroopers" and you took n causlties, and by your writing didn't even take any fire.

Does that sound like something that would happen in any situation?