Jedi`s listen up!
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jul 30 2005 9:47pm
*slams his hand in his face*

Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself.

But of course it would be in the Empire's best interest to see these ruins destroyed or locked away forever. Or to be used as part of the official Jedi Corps....

So expect Imperial interference, but on a small scale. We really don't care THAT much....
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 30 2005 10:07pm
I was a Jedi once. . .
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jul 30 2005 11:30pm
You were also an active RPer once.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 30 2005 11:40pm
I haven't been an active rper since, oh before you were born.
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2005 1:13am
Obi-Ren Jabrooni, you are my only hope...

... for finding inspiration to end my life. :p
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2005 5:52am
you think we should get involved, Vance?
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2005 11:45am
Nah, fuck that. It's below us. :p

I dunno... we could consider pitting TSO against for some action? Hit me up with a PM if you want us involved, Rac.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2005 4:19pm
or me you faggot.

i swear, vance always leaves me out of this type shit.

oh well. it could attribute to the fact that im a drug addicted alcoholic. meh. meht. meth.
Posts: 147
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2005 5:11pm
well.. I`ll see about that as soon as few jedi`s would appear! :mad
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2005 8:37pm
that'd help. considering the fact that we only have a hand-full of sith who actually give a shit to be active.