So basically you make the link, click on the link, and boom, link runs process and creates a new page. Simple if you go into this thing with a blank mind. And Irtar, only behind me and Titus.
And now that I understand how it works, prepare for a bandwith overload of new pages.
Be aware though! [[page]] works great for single-word links, but if you have more than one word, you need to do some fanagaling. This: [[Imperial Star Destoyer]] would link to a page called "Imperial" and only display "Star Destoyer" for the link text. The first word within the brackets is the page that is being linked to. So you would make the link like this: [[ImperialStarDestoyer Imperial Star Destoyer]].
Woot! A Databank so that people can know which planets are ruled by which factions and which are simply character creations. I'm sure there will be plenty of adds in the future.