I've long ago stopped thinking of TRF as Star Wars
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 18 2005 6:56pm
Ahnk, I'm not complaining. I'm fine with things how they are, and indeed this is the safest way to go from my perspective, but I'm just saying that it isn't very Star Warsy.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: May 18 2005 7:36pm
TRF lost Star Wars Role-Playing a while ago. I've been waiting for you guys to realize this.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: May 18 2005 8:17pm
Slaskia - I've actually started a takeover of both Trandosha and Kashyyyk for GC, but haven't yet gotten to them yet, so I wanted to talk to you about what you've done there before I do so (just so I don't end up ruining one of your stories). As well you could take part in it if you wanted. So sometime after I get back from camp I'll try to chat with you on AIM so we can work out some details.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: May 18 2005 8:17pm
Well, the wait's over. Now what are you going to do with your life? :ohwell
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: May 18 2005 10:06pm
Jan: I do have a major storyline (Unwelcome visitor) going at the moment that will eventually go to Trandosha itself, though it's currently stalled due to Leia being presently unable to post much. So I don't know if it would directly effect the 'negotiations' (takeover is too harsh a word for a lightside group IMO...you are a lightside group right?) or not, since the one of the parties that will eventually get involved in it will be the individual your folks will need to talk to, though how involved she will get is yet to be determined: it's possible she may not get involved at all.

It would be interesting to test my ability to write politics again anyway, so I look forward to discussing this with you.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: May 19 2005 1:11am
What I've been doing, Omnae. I'm going to continue not applying myself in school and waste away the rest of my life in some shithole.
Posts: 32
  • Posted On: May 20 2005 8:47am
Dolash, I think that any Role-Playing community has the potential to slip away from it's intended media; at the same time, I think that Star Wars, as a medium, is determined by the player. What you may feel as being not-Star Warsy, someone else may feel is exactly how they thought it to be.

Also, I know that basing your opinions solely on the movies cuts out a lot of Star Warsy options in itself. I mean, what about the novels? The expanded Universe? And all that jazz.

Sure a superweapon or two brings us all back to basics, but I think that eventually the community does break away from the stereotypical Star Wars we all know, and evolve into something that is our own and still holding true to the genre.

There's a whole universe out there. We all need to get our hands dirty and explore it.

Speaking of which: Anyone have any plots or stories going that Han could jump into?
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: May 20 2005 9:37am
Its interesting for me this debate, especially after seeing EPIII...

If anything TRF seems MORE like SW to me now, after seeing how the Republic (a democracy) was given over to become an Empire (a dictatorship) , and seeing the twists and turns of how it all happened, with all the , plots, and politics involved.

Ultimately Star Wars is a story of intergalactic politics, and how it can all go wrong.

I think we capture that here very well, (IMO).
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: May 20 2005 4:00pm
Yeah... the original trilogy is certainly about heroes and characters. But the prequels are about the larger picture: governments and wars and all that jazz. That's what TRF captures. The OT made a great story, but it worked primarily because it was a Rebellion vs. an Empire. It's harder (albiet not impossible) to have a story about one hero changing the shape of the galaxy when both sides are massive governments...

The PT doesn't have heroes the same way the OT does, and the same way TRF doesn't.
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: May 20 2005 5:39pm
And Gungans. Fuck the Gungans.

Hey!! I resent that!