Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 12:48am
They have three members, I can assure you that by the activity at the ORS board and the like, but how much time they have to do more than post in their RPs to be considered active is questionable.
Does it look bad? Maybe.
But do they have three members? Yes.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 12:54am
We aren't talking about ORS, Ralen. Look, your opinion isn't particularly relevant, anyway. So take your own advice, and just stay quiet.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 12:57am
I'm not offering an opinion, I'm offering what I've seen from GC, be it good or ill for my faction.
I'm not even talking about ORS either, that is simply the board we make our plans and the like on. Three or more GC members have since come into our forums several times to discuss various things.
I agree with you it looks kind of shadey and bad, but if it's legitimate then it's legitimate, that would be for you and the staff to decide. But I didn't want someone like Marth Meer coming here and ranting and raving and saying essentially the same thing I am without looking at the staff's position.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:05am
Maybe you don't get it, Ralen. I'm asking you to stop posting in this thread, because you aren't contributing anything worthwhile.
Now, I'm trying to be nice. Before I lose my temper, please, just stop posting and let me take up my issues with the staff and leadership of GC.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:06am
Alright, I hope it can all be worked out quickly and with minimal fighting.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:07am
I'm a member of GC, and Ironically enough the last high-command officer not captured by the Empire.
I know little about what's going on or even our own member quota (My job is to win at corellia, nothing more, so I've been focused on that) but when I last heard of this I was told we had enough members per faction. We have IC reasoning, (to be detailed in the merger thread) we have the need, and to be frank we all have the common goal of survival in opposition to the Empire.
I think that's all we really need.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:08am
Gash you are an idiot . You didn't take the context that quote was in.
I was refering to setting up something like the various provinces TNO has, but you can't do that easily with three members.
Third GC member checking in.
Edit: Saw Dolash's post, had to change it to third GC member.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:27am
Jan, what you said doesn't even bear rebuttal. Suffice to say you are lacking in the reading comprehension department. But for the record, I know I'm an idiot, and so does everyone else. I apologize for not being in MENSA like the rest of you. You can stop pointing it out, now.
The issue at hand is how quickly things change. Funny how two minutes ago when you were getting Drayson's posts erased it was just you and Dolash, all alone, and now suddenly you've got three members.
Let me tell all of you something. You are fooling no one. You'll get what you want. The staff will let you merge, because if they don't, you'll cry foul and accuse them of that supposed TNO bias you're so fond of invoking. But I just want all of you to know that anyone paying attention can tell exactly what's going on.
Have a good merge.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:30am
...? I didn't know that happened.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2004 1:31am
Lorenzo has been a member for a while but he didn't have time to devote to RPing until the new year(now), and he told us that, which is why we didn't bring him up before.