Um... I don't know I haven't been here all that long. I know I don't live neard Disney. Closer to Universal I guess? You in Orlando too?
Goodbye Wilkar, Goodbye Hunny Bunny
Um... I don't know I haven't been here all that long. I know I don't live neard Disney. Closer to Universal I guess? You in Orlando too?
Nah I'm in Lakeland. Pass along an address or a Phone Number so I can get an idea PM where you live. That way we can arrange a meeting place.
You guys wanna make plans to meet up, you do it off the board. In the abstract, that's fine.
Yeah. We don't want the federalies finding out that Cracker asked Zell to send him pics of himself in a training bra... that's just weird.
Is that how you spell it? Fedaralies?
I thought it was "Federales" with a Spanish inflection.
I thought it was "Federales" with a Spanish inflection.
are you trying to sell me something?
How come you never talk to me any more? One thread dies and...
I'm hurt, Recon. Really, really hurt.
Have a good trip, Wilkar.
*glances to rest of thread. walks away*
*glances to rest of thread. walks away*
*does the helicopter of old*
Have fun.