Posted On:
May 27 2007 1:18am
WTF are we using this map for? LOL.. just kidding. I just felt left out. :P Great job, Wes!
Posted On:
May 27 2007 1:59am
Vos: Thank you. Blueberry Pie: I will eat your soul. Omnae: How do you spell "wtf"?
Posted On:
May 27 2007 3:32pm
I welcome our new map overlord :). Good job Wes and thank you.
Posted On:
May 27 2007 5:13pm
Beff Pike
What is this, Fifteenth Century Spain? Someone changes the map and everyone is out crying for blood? Come on! It's just goddamn, motherfucking reference material . And when someone starts to cry about the six point oh one seven milimeter difference because, somehow that graphical representation is not down to the fine line accurate, I will feed him or her last weeks socks. EDIT I too would like to see our classic map be updated, but that is not the point. The point is that someone was willing to do it. This community depends on volunteered effort. It appears that Wes is attempting to make this map amenable to everyone as best as he can. This implies it is a work in process and I feel we should reserve judgment until such time as its completion. Having said that, I too have issues with this map... 1. It is not our classic map. 2. It is a new perspective, that is to say Top Down and not from a skewed angle. 3. It is somewhat harder to read then our old map. 4. It has some inaccuracies. BUT! 1. Times change. We change with them or die. 2. A new perspective does not imply fault or failure or lack of adaptation to changing paradigms. 3. With revisions, clarity will doubtless be found. 4. Wes continues to update and edit the map which implies that in time, it will have no errors.
God I've been gone a long time... since when is Beff the fucking voice of reason?
Posted On:
May 27 2007 8:03pm
Since he joined the Staff. I know.
Posted On:
May 27 2007 8:35pm
No, I'm doesn't. What if that thing I said?
Posted On:
Dec 27 2007 9:05pm
This new map has been added to TRF's main map page on the Default links. Note: The old map is also still there for referencing. I also corrected the Planet List links that were pointed everyone in the wrong direction.
Posted On:
Aug 7 2009 2:53am
And because I love you all so very much, and because after Cataclysm I think we need a new map to reflect the changing face of the galaxy, I have done my best to come up with one that I think most people will be content with. If I missed something, please let me know.
I also went back to the old method of using transparent filler - hope you like!
Posted On:
Aug 7 2009 8:12am
Just a useless correction, I've used my awesum powerz to rename the Rogue Jedi Order to the Jedi Enclave. Feel free to ignore/fix based on how much this matters to you. Also, nice work.