Posted On:
May 17 2007 11:10pm
I'm looking to move some abilities around and am submitting the following changes for approval. Colors indicate oroginal placement and descriptions are available in the
Nightsister Force Abilities section of our faction boards.
Edit: I forgto to mention the titles changed only a bit too.
Nightsister Shadow LearnerForce HealingForce Neural ProbeMind TouchNight SightSpell of ComfortSpell of Fire CreationTelekinesisForce Push/BlowForce LeapNightsister Shadow WarriorControl FlameForce BlanketForce ClutchForce LightningForce ShieldMind WeaveSeeking SpellSong of PowerSpell of NatureSpell of OrderingReverse HealingNightsister Shadow SorceressAbsorb/AlterBattle MeditationForce StormForcing MindsInterpretSeer’s SpellSpell of StructuringWeather Sense/ControlFocusing Spell
Posted On:
May 18 2007 4:32am
I can only assume that a Shadow Warrior is equal to a Knight? If so, dont you think some of those powers are... to much?
Posted On:
May 18 2007 5:11am
A cursory glance seems to indicate that the abilities do follow the Force ability guidelines in the database (which is only a mere guide, not a set of rules and regulations). For example, Nightsister Warrior is the Knight equivalant, and Force Lightning is listed as a medium difficulty spell in the database. So I guess it fits, though personally I just can't picture Knights running around zapping me with Force Lightning.
Again I caution you however, to be careful how you incorporate these very specific spells into your writing. At no point have I ever seen a Force user write "Leia casts MIND WEAVE and then draws her lightsaber." I mean, I don't even know what I just wrote myself doing, how is anyone else supposed to know? When a Force sensitive character uses their powers, they need to write everything out and there is no point in even bothering with spell names (unless it is of special importance to the way the Nightsisters handle the Force).
As to whether or not the spells are listed at the correct skill level, we shall look into it...
Posted On:
May 18 2007 5:49am
That's until the TRF MUD is finished coding...
Posted On:
May 18 2007 8:52am
For those of you curious why Irtar isn't around; it's because of comments like that which forced me to murder him in cold blood.
Posted On:
May 18 2007 11:08am
Warrior does equal Knight, the powers that particular rank has were approved when we first created the faction along with the others. I color coded them so it would be easier to see how they were rearranged and there really weren't many changes.
The spells are unique to the Nightsisters, but writing some of them being used does become a bit tedious so if we can leave that part out, I'd be open to it. There are examples of how they were used throughout some of the threads we've been in, but you're right that is you're not familiar with them then you won't know what is going on.
Poor Irtar!!
Posted On:
May 18 2007 3:16pm
The point here isn't to make writing more simple and less tedious for those people writing. Remember, ultimately, that most people's goal here as writers is to write for an audience. And reading:
"Leia casts Mind Weave and then draws her lightsaber."
is just nowhere near as enjoyable as reading:
"Drawing on her power in the Force, Leia focuses her mind on the evil Sith Master Bob. He stumbles forward, as if dazed, his mind weakened by the mental assault. As he stumbles, in a haze, Leia draws her lightsaber and with a snap-hiss it springs to life."
Just an example, of course, but keep in mind that if we start thinking about making write easier for ourselves it makes our writing harder to understand for those reading it. Something to keep in mind, of course this is just my opinion.
Now if you want this catalog of abilities so its easier for Nightsisters to find out what specifically is within their bounds of being able to do, or if the way Nightsisters use the Force is somehow different, such as activated through verbal commands or something else, then that is completely understandable and you should be applauded for putting so much thought into it. But don't do it for the purpose of dumbing TRF down to anything below what it is, which is: a community of collaberative creative writing set the Star Wars universe. Nerdy as hell, yes, but elitist nerdy as hell as well.
I'm sorry if this sounds a little preachy, or insulting. Reading it over, I guess I come off as a little reprimanding, but I'm just offering my advise from someone who has been here for a long time to a newer, but promising writer. Write on! :)
Posted On:
May 18 2007 3:33pm
Sweet Zombie Irtar!
But anywho, I believe she's trying to use it as a guideline for a what a Nightsister can/cannot do. A nice way to combat God Modding.
Posted On:
May 18 2007 5:17pm
"Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!"
Zark: "Um, don't you mean: 'Robots of human automobile design, begin your conversion from your humaniform characteristics to those emulating primitive human machines powered by fossil fuel and engage your engines to activate forward motion!' ?"