Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 12:40am
I like to keep track of things for the Coalition, which is why I produced a timeline, character guide, planet encyclopedia, and various explinations for it. To keep these all up-to-date and on-hand, I reposted them on the New Coalition board, under "Coalition Information Database" forum.
For some reason, that forum shows there are three threads in it, and yet, when I click on it, there are none. I am logged in, and in the right account. For some reason, my work is gone.
*head explodes*
The lesson here is, keep a second copy of EVERYTHING YOU DO EVER on your computer.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 12:43am
Yeah, EZBoard went nuts and started deleting forums for their own amusement.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 12:47am
Oh, and if you think you have it rough. Every single thread at the Sith Brotherhood has dissapeared.
All mine, all Zeta's, all Vances.
Cry with me a little.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 12:48am
You know... that Brotherhood header is pretty old and shit now. Heh.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 12:58am
ezBoard appears to be trying to get as much as they can back, and since they claim to backup every day (highly unlikely considering the enormous amount of data they are storing) you should get your stuff back as it was a few weeks ago.
Dolash: Let's take this time to get you guys moved over to TRF. Give me a list of the forums you want, as well as a list of forums that your diplomatic friends get access too, what forums your members have access to, and what (if any) super-duper private forums only your leaders get access into.
Not that you have that many members, but you never know how things will go.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 1:08am
Super-secret leaders forum:
Demosthenes X
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 1:11am
Well, all I really need is the usual - an OOC forum, a recruitment forum, an a members-only comman forum. An archive forum would also be nice too.
Heck, you wouldn't have to come up with a colour scheme or anything, I'd be fine with a regular TRF look.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 1:23am
It'll be regular TRF until I or someone else can get around to doing something nice.
Just something standard, eh? Ok.
Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 1:32am
Perfect time for uber Sith and Jedi to start showing up claiming they have 85,000 words of training on ezboard that was lost!!