. . . how many hundreds of thousands of words of story (or more) you guys have written exclusively for TRF?
I'm up to about 230,000 right now, and that's without considering most of the stuff I've written as Jarvis, and only counting planetary takeovers at 5000 words each.
That's a lot of keystrokes.
That's a lot of time.
And I'm one of the new guys.
Think how much guys like Omnae or Dolash have put into this place over the years . . .
Om's been around for longer than Dolash. So I'd be betting on him too. I don't think there is anyone else here that's actively actually RPing and posting from when TRF first split off from TGC. Well Leia made a post a couple days ago, but she disappears for long periods of time so isn't really in competition. A lot of it also depends on if you count the pre-TRF days were people were at TGC or before that I think some were at SWFans. Plus people have been at multiple RP sites at the same time. So its kind of hard to say.
I've tried doing that, it doesn't work out so well...
But yeah, I find it kind of terrifying that many of us have put in that many words...anyone ever think about how much time people have spent simply discussing TRF-related stuff over AIM or the like?
Back in the old days Teebo lived around the corner from me. Teebo, Marth and I would have daily conversations about TRF (like in person/phone, not AIM convos). Even after he moved across the country we'd still talk occassionally on the phone about TRF. And any time Marth was active on TRF, he and I would have conversations about TRF in person pretty regularily.