Posted On:
Jun 9 2007 7:42pm
On the 13th Ill be having all 4 Wisdom teeth removed, so don't expect posts from me on that day or after....
And the pain being cuased, requiring their removal, is seriously hampering my ability to post replies leading up to the day, regardless... Ill be doing what I can to work on those I'm posting with at the moment up to my appointed hour.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2007 7:45pm
Hope it goes alright. Take it easy.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2007 8:13pm
You have my sympathy. I had my 4 wisdom teeth, plus an tooth with an infected nerve that was caused by said teeth, removed just little over a month ago. They say you can't drive while taking the pain killers, but I didn't have any problem doing so.
You'll just be classified as D.U.I. if the cops pull you over, is what they mean I think.
Posted On:
Jun 10 2007 3:20am
Good luck. Been there, done that last year myself. Though I had no pain or anything before or after it....
Posted On:
Jun 13 2007 11:04pm
Well, Im up and about, the IV really didnt keep me down. After 15 minutes or so I was able to walk out on my own two feet.... My only problems now are actually eating, too cold hurts the 4 new holes in my face and Im not alowed to eat my soups till tommorow.... and just keeping up with my pills now...
Oh, and the unresistable urge to poke at it with my tongue....
Posted On:
Jun 13 2007 11:10pm
Sounds painful, I wish you a speedy recovery.
Posted On:
Jun 13 2007 11:13pm
Well, the sutures will disolve after a few days, and I got me some strong pain relief now...