Posted On:
May 21 2004 3:27am
I'll explain in the morning if it hasn't been by then, but I imagine it will have been.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 3:30am
Dolash, you're simply voicing the opinions of those already muttered over AIM. Damn you, we wanted it to be a surprise. Anyway, Ahnk and I have spent the past half hour entertaining the pros and cons of Star Wars Tales. We've finally come to the decision that if we joined, half of their members would recieve heart attacks overnight.
Even though TRF is most likely doomed, I'm still going to try and stay alive here for as long as I can. All of this has thoroughly put me out of the mood for continuing Fallen Tears and Bullet Shells. And if the worst happens then I probably won't ever be able to finish it.
As for details, I'm almost certain that those involved don't want me blabbing away all of the missing links to this outbreak of "TRF fallout" (utter stupidity). Try to strangle it out of them on AIM if you can.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 3:55am
Being a bunch of pessimists aren't we? If the members don't want this board to fall...they have the power to ensure it stays alive.
As I mentioned before...I was a member of a board that had a similar event happen: THAT board actually survived due to the will of the fanbase...this one can do the same.
Anyway, RuTyra is my AIM name (don't have AIM or Trillian installed on this computer though...)
Posted On:
May 21 2004 3:55am
You guys are overreacting.
TRF isn't going to die. You're all still here. Just keep posting. But apparently this is the kind of TRF that everyone wanted so very badly. So enjoy I guess.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 3:58am
Despite being an RPer here on this board, I do think that everyone shouldn't give up so easily on this board just yet.
Just hold out, TRF isn't doomed unless the main admin think's it's doomed. If the head Admin doesn't want to run this board anymore then perhaps it's time for a change in adminship, give it someone who want's to continue running this board
This is similer to a problem that occured on my own board a year ago... damn it why did that problem have to migrate here =\
Posted On:
May 21 2004 4:09am
Simon quit? The staff, or TRF in general? I mean, damn, right in the middle of Apparations and all, I just can't picture him saying, thats it, im out of here, just like that.
Do me a favor, don't make me a mod or admin anytime soon.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 4:10am
To clear things up, I demoted Gash. It's a long, multi sided, complicated story, feel free to IM me and assault me with questions, I'm obligated to answer all of them to my best ability.
Honestly, I really do apologize to everyone, and I mean everyone, including Gash, for stepping so far out of line. But I wouldn't take it back any more than Gash would feel sorry if any of his comments or actions hurt your feelings.
This won't kill TRF. Nobody can... unless you let it happen. Last time I checked, you guys were too good for that. And I'm certainly not going to participate in making this kill TRF either, if I can help it.
I won't take back my actions. I do take back some of my words, some were said in moments of rashness. I won't take back or reverse what I did, but I do submit myself to being your mercy now. I earned it.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 4:10am
Dolash, get some oxygen.
Kalshion is correct. You should not simply give up.
I haven't. I will see you on the battlegrounds, where (ironically enough) the heart of TRF lies.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 4:16am
You know, we could make millions if we some how converted the conversations here OOC into a type of soap opera.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 4:22am
I know I certainly won't give up. I have a few storylines going I want to finish! *casually pokes Kas and Lup...where is Lup anyway? Buried under coursework?*