Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 2:04am
How big is that bloody ship?
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 2:16am
It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Like the Millenium Falcon.
Or Hermione Granger's purse.
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 4:54am
Don't you know it's a Death Star MK IIIICCC called the Nyxan Douchebag?
You really haven't been paying attention to the thread, have you? :P
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 3:34pm
I will say this. After reading of force-melds, battle-meditation, spirit possession, runaway force storms, ships imbued with darkside spirits of times past and people coming back from the dead, it's refreshing to read about two force users that can't find each other in an area as big as 3 bedroom apartment.
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 3:39pm
Don't know... I remember when every Jedi or Sith proved themselves by using the force in a field of yasilimari...
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 3:42pm
I remember when a yasilimari was in everyone's pocket for those "just in case" encounters. They were like tribbles but not gay.
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 6:31pm
Cause if you didn't have a one in your pocket for those just in case encounters, some dick of a Sith Master would emerge from hyperspace, board your ISD III, get to the computer core, hack it, lock out everyone else from the computer, turn off all the power to your ship, get to the bridge, and take over the brdige with his dual lightsabers, all in 1 post/6 minute period.
Posted On:
Sep 19 2009 6:48pm
I miss my Chu'unthor full of Shadow Jedi trainees