Support Forums is a board that ezBoard created to solve problems that users or boards may be having. There are also many tips there to make your board more popular, better looking, etc.
Character name changes
There's a link called 'help' in the header, near the search function and 'mark forum as read' function.
He said "what ezBoard Support Forum", not "whats an".
The forum I found it on is gone now.
Interesting... Whats the code to have such an option?
You could look at the source code for this page, or one of the topics in the Cafe - I just pasted it there for Jade.
Kas: Could you please change Alicia Doment to Alicia Jade Doment please?
Recon: The topic in the Cafe Kas is referring to is called Aaaaand it's back.
Recon: The topic in the Cafe Kas is referring to is called Aaaaand it's back.
Thanks a bunch
Change Viccae Norr to Design