Best in Show
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2006 3:45am
Posts: 106
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2006 3:49am
Nothing needs to be said here.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2006 7:02am

For the entirety of the Almania thread the New Order and it's membership was allowed free shots at Vonta. That ends, now. The next TNO member in any thread to make a disperaging or disrespectful comment towards Vonta will be banned for one week.

For a while now Beff, among others, have taken it upon themselves to play court jester and make sure everyone has a good time at other roleplayers expense. It has grown beyond tired. If you wish to insult people who come here with an attitude or to spam or troll, that's one thing. If you want to jest amongst yourselves and have dick measuring contests, I have a ruler too. What is unnaceptable is to attack those who are new to the forum or new to roleplaying, or those who do not possess your level of writing ability. The purpose of TRF is not to have absolutely impecable writing that knocks the shit out of every forum out there, and it has never been that. This is not an elite club that has restrictive access to only MENSA members. We're a bunch of fucking nerds, a bunch of sad, lonely nerds who came here for FUN. Not to show how incredibly talented we are or how awesome our vernacular had become, we're here to have fun. This isn't a game where people win and lose, or you have to be better then anyone else, people are all here to write for their own fun. Some people write better then others; that's a fact. Personally I find the incredibly boring and predictable formulaic cookie cutter roleplays that Kraken uses to make himself feel like some kind of worthwhile human being and immaculate tactician to be really fucking insufferably boring, but do I ride his ass about it? No. He can write that yawn inducing bullshit if he so desires, the same as Vonta can write whatever he wants, and Kaine, and Taja, and Vinda, and Omnae, and Dolash, and Cisero... everyone is pretty much free to do whatever the fuck they want. This has never been a board where we've tried to exclude anyone. A few times we've made a direct effort to include everyone by restructuring the rules in an effort to make the board more accessable. This is directly counteracted by an arrogant superior attitude amongst some of the board's posters. In the future, if you want to show someone how bad their writing is, instead of calling them out in a public forum to look like Captain Wit, lead by example. Go ahead and post a roleplay blowing it out of the water. I know Dolash was often frustrated that he couldn't compete with TNO because they were too smart and too awesome, and it led him to grow and improve as a writer. Some people are slow learners. But everyone should be allowed to grow and learn at their own pace. If you want to speed up the process, do it in private. Talk to the person, off the board, give them a word of advice. Give them some pointers. If they don't listen they don't listen, but at least you put forth the effort. Calling someone to task... that helps no one.

So cut it out.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2006 7:45am
EDIT: You're probably right. Sorry (or something like it)... Delete or close this thread, please.
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Jan 9 2006 12:37am
But I'm a MENSA member...