Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2004 11:07am

Open thread back up.

If you don't like the OOC posting, then delete it. Otherwise, reopen that thread to allow for completion...
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2004 11:16am
I don't like OOC posting, so don't do it.

You have an OOC forum.

Besides, I'm going to allow the threads unresolved issues, which were posted in said roleplay, to be worked out here before the thread is continued, lest one party call the 72 hour rule when said issues are obviously unresolved.

Besides, Lup is in the thread, and if he wants to get his jiggy on, he'll unlock it.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2004 12:26pm
Oh yeah, about that thread.

I missed it when I was dealing with the attacks, and now that Meer and Jan are back I thought they might want to handle it.

But I wasn't sure...
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2004 12:28pm
OK, i'll do it.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2004 1:34pm what?
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2004 3:00pm
Open the thread and call 72 hours, I imagine.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2004 4:14pm
Oh ok. Well, since Marth hasn't done anything about it, there's nothing I can do. Feel free to blow the place up, I guess.