Posted On:
Jan 31 2005 4:41am
I had this crazy idea the other day. We have a lot of writing talent, perhaps we have some vocal talent too? I thought we could write up a short audio drama (ala the BBC with the old Hitchhiker's Guide drama's), have people record lines, and I could patch it together and add sound effects... It wouldn't be too hard, really. I've got all the Star Wars audio CD's from the original movies, sound effects are relatively easy to dig up, I think, and Sonar makes it pretty easy to sync all this up.
The biggie though, is, does everyone have a microphone and know how to operate the Audio Recorder?
Also, while we don't need really good vocal's for most character's, we need someone with an easy listening voice for a narrator.
Just an idea for something that could help drive traffic to our site in the future.
Posted On:
Jan 31 2005 5:03am
I am very intrigued by this, Kas and I would be willing to do it.
I believe I know how to use audio recorder though I've only worked it once... I do have a microphone..
Posted On:
Jan 31 2005 10:47am
I have a sound card that works!
Unfortunately I am a mute, so no go there.
Seriously though, this sounds like fun.
Posted On:
Jan 31 2005 6:11pm
That would sound like fun, but I have neither. *sigh*
Posted On:
Jan 31 2005 10:47pm
I have a mic and all the capabilities for recording. I can do a good snooty (British) Imperial officer ;)
Posted On:
Jan 31 2005 10:56pm
Someone could do a Flash for it if they had the ability.
Posted On:
Feb 1 2005 4:41pm
Yeah, that's another thing I would like to do some day. I have the software, but I just lack the time. Spring should yield a lot of free time for me though.
To start with, IMO, we should have a simple, short script. Maybe the equivilant of five minutes of audio, with maybe two or three voices. The script should cover a range of things, from dialog to narritive. It should also contain parts where people can express emotion, from anger to excitement. Then we could get all the members who have the equipment, and have them read the lines, and send them over to me. I can patch it all together, add some music and sound effects if required, and then we go from there.
My basic idea for the beginning is to get the vocals of everyone who is willing on file, so we know who is willing and capable of doing what. We would also have to figure out how 'effecty' we want to get. Do we want just a straight up audio reading with some music in the background, or do we want to go complex and try do a full on audio drama? The former might be easiest for starters.
Posted On:
Feb 1 2005 9:15pm
Yeah, I think it would be better to start with the simpler things for now.
Posted On:
Feb 2 2005 12:37am
reading is cool... I'll have to play around with microphone... walk first, audio drama later..