Asset troubles for GC and ORS.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 3:13am
So here's the thing. Jan and Meer havn't been around much, so I havn't got to talk to them about it yet. You see, the manifests and build-archives of the Coalition and the Soverinty are in dissaray and neglect. The Coalitions' archives alone are at pre-war levels, stating we still have ships we lost at Corellia and gave to the Empire.

Also, our build-yards are using a confusing and, to me, indecipherable system which has baisically led to me not being able to do anything about the builds, so they've been untouched. Plus, I don't know what nearly all the ships we have have in the way of stats (length and guns) so I can't tell really what we've got.

It'd be nearly impossible for someone to track down and calculate exactly how many ships we should have now, or be able to clear out the build-yards enough for everything to get back on track, and if the staff audited it right now we'd be shut down.

I'm tapped out as to what to do, so I ask if anyone has any ideas, if they could please say.

And if Jan or Meer sees this, PLEASE contact me. Those guys would probably be able to sort out the whole thing in a short length of time.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 3:53am
If you're on AIM right about now, 7PM CST, I can give you a hand for a few hours and help sort it out.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 4:00am

And if ANYONE has recieved or destroyed GC or ORS assets since the beginning of the whole war, post the threads here PLEASE, or else I may miss it when calculating a new manifest.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 4:17am
Ok, me = teh idiot. I found out it wasn't as big a disaster as I thought, I was just looking at the wrong forum.

Big thanks to Kas for telling me and figuring things out, but I still need damage reports from people for any attack that occured after 2/25/04 9:42 pm. Thanks.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 5:16am
I don't think we have lost anything since then(for GC). As for ORS, I am not yet in charge of those builds, so you will have to ask Meer. I will be on a lot more in about a week, because after that my teachers will stop their "oh no, mid-terms marks have to be in soon' mad dash, and will stop giving me as much work. As for Meer, I don't know when he will have time.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 6:22am
The only ORS losses as a result of in action with me include 2 ISDs, 12 BoPs, and 4 Escort Carriers plus accompayning Fighters at Rachuk, and 1 Xeron Nyto Cruiser, 10 Tholatin Star Destroyers, and 10 Victory Star Destroyers at Af'El. Plus 800 A-wings with that.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 4:13am
Depends on what you wish to do with the fleet at Lorize - I notice there are ships present there that are not in ORS's manifest.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 4:40am
Hey Kraken, you didn't do @#%$ at Rachuk!

Those losses are thanks to me, numerous ones being captured.

Also, the fleet at Tatooine surrendered also.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 4:41am
I am aware that we surrendered a lot.
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 5:21am
I helped provide words for the ship's captures, did I not?