Apprentices II - Planning (TSO/TJO/NS)
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 5:04pm
This thread will serve (hopefully) as a staging ground for the upcoming "Apprentices II" RP (actual title TBC). Don't worry, we're not getting started just yet. People involved:

Skygge (Mira)
Necros (Cameo)


Ben Firestar
Max Reem
Marek Zolar


If you would like to be involved then PM me or Skygge and we can arrange that.

Apprentices is a series about the Sith (specifically, but also other) Apprentices and their adventures *grin*. The credit goes to Skygge for the idea - that was totally "hers".

Apprentices I is spoken for: This is an adventure between Skygge and Galaphile and involves him being brought to the Sith - that's up to those two to arrange.

The purpose of the RP is to be fun and readable. There is a "training" element: Obviously as training is no longer formal, we have to RP it ourselves - this seems an ideal chance to do that. So if your character has no history of being able to use an ability, they can "learn" it before or during the thread. Make it so they learn it during the thread if you'd like and that's fine.

The way I see it, the story could have three phases, though i'm trying not too give away too much so it spoils the storyline for any readers.

Basic background:

Sith are after a sith artifact of some description. Perhaps if I ask Vance nicely, or he reads this, he'll be able to make the inaugeral post to send the Sith apprentices on their way....The other force-sensitives hear/sense/smell/watch-on-the-news about this and for whatever reason, get themselves involved. I'm GUESSING that the Jedi will want to stop us getting it, and the Nightsisters will want it for themselves, but it's up to you guys to decide. Also, since the Jedi have just been told "Bubye now, go do good stuff" it's pretty good timing.

Phase One:
The "meanwhile" phase. i.e. the Sith are being nasty to get this artifact. MEANWHILE the Jedi and the Nightsisters are doing something else and hear about it. This is a good chance to introduce the character for a few posts before the fun stuff happens.

Phase Two:

The "catchup" phase. The Jedi/NS catch up with us Sith and stuff happens. This is the main sequence.

Phase Three:
Ending - who knows where this will go. By now it's totally free play.

If you have any specific plans for your character (i.e. you want them to specifically win/lose a duel) then try and arrange it by PM! This is very much a freeplay thing so let's see where the story goes.


If that doesn't work:

Plan B, the Sith and Jedi sit around and ogle lesbian Nightsisters for 60 posts. Whichever....
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 6:00pm
ohhh so there are active Jedi apprentices from TJO, they just all ignored me when I tried to contact them about their group.

Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 6:05pm
That is cause no one knows who you are Leia. And Max might have been MIA at that point. Plus Ben isn't around too much. And I refused to have Jesmin commit to anything cause its me and I slack and don't post stuff, so committing and disappearing would be bad. Plus, I like the whole "going alone, no master thing" cause then I can post when I feel like it and not post when I feel like it.
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 7:13pm
I explained who I was and what was going on reguarding TJO and the Force rules. That was the point...

My name appears redundantly in Jedi affairs even during my absence, I would hope that new people would have picked up on that and at least have responded with some curiosity if they weren't sure. Between PMs and a general forum post, there was depressingly little result however.

And people wonder why Visionary 5 resulted in Dolash's closing of TJO...

And to not hijjack Ithron's thread, cheers to the Sith Apprentices who are clearly on top of things with the new system! Have fun on Naboo...
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 8:14pm
Heh. Leia, having your name as the last post in this thread does add a certain class to the proceedings. People think "Oooh, it's got Leia involved, it must be worth reading." Or at least that's my theory - the number of viewings seems to grow proportionally to the fame of the last poster.

I'm not sure why the Jedi Apprentices would ignore you. Like many n00bs (n. Someone who's not been here over 4 years) I've not had the privilege of RPing with you, but your name is mentioned around the board quite a lot. Hopefully you'll be able to see some of the Jedi coming out of the woodwork with this RP.

And to not hijjack Ithron's thread, cheers to the Sith Apprentices who are clearly on top of things with the new system!

Heh. Thanks a lot :) Skygge should get most of the credit though. The series was "her" idea!
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 8:26pm
She's been gone two years or so thank-you very much. :P

And her making fun of people in your thread makes it look that much worse.
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 8:35pm

Is this thread only open to apprentices?
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 8:49pm
She's been gone two years or so thank-you very much.

And her making fun of people in your thread makes it look that much worse.

Heh, I make no apology for getting the dates wrong. Sarcasm is more important than facts. I didn't read it to be offensive fun-making, but I suppose that could be me being mistaken. Obviously as a Sith, I don't condone making fun of Jedi or being nasty to anyone in any way whatsoever....HANG ON.

Necros: I see no reason why it needs to be, but obviously if the majority of the participants are Apprentices, you might feel like the only 27 year old in Kindergarten. But if some senior Jedi volunteers you could have an opposite number on the Jedi team. Now that could be fun. But yeah, depending on if anyone else has a problem with it, I don't see any reason why it needs to be JUST apprentices....
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 9:09pm
When was the duration of my absence even mentioned, and I'm not making fun of people!

It does seem largely relevant to this thread that most of the Jedi Apprentice population seems to have gone inactive, and I mean to question that because I fear TJO's closure was handled inappropriately because the Apprentices were kind of left out. If I can finally catch those Apprentices here then I intend to do so. I find it odd that if they are still around, none of them have anything they want to say concerning the future of the Jedi.

Forgive my intrusions, but it seemed highly relevant.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 24 2007 9:09pm
I was joking Leia. And have been busy and apparently didn't even see your post (as I said, I'm a slacker). But had I seen it, I wouldn't consider myself active enough (yet) to give input on the rules. As for V-5, I wasn't surprised by the ending. Or it happening in the first place.