Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Mar 7 2007 8:28pm
I know this is kind of useless, since I don't really RP with anyone on the board save for Kalshion and briefly with Dolash, but I feel I need to say something anyway.

I had been really looking forward to finally doing some things here after I got back, but since I got back I've been in the mother of all slumps and inflicted with just as bad writers block. It's frustrating as there's a lot I want to do, one if which is a thread with Demonakos having 'discussions' with a Sith and Jedi Master (not at the same time of course!), another involing a little adventure with Silonik, and of course the big story lines I am involved in with Kalshion (with side plots attached).

On top of that, I'm suffering from a lack of interest to even come here: maybe it's because I don't feel what the point is if I can't even get myself to write a post here. Maybe it's because there's so much more I can actually do now that I am home (though sadly EQ2 has been sucking up the bulk of my time and not anything more 'artistic').

Hopefully this is just a phase and I'll get over it, after all the awareness of all the stuff I can do now wears off a bit. Guess we'll see. I'm not giving up on being a part of this place, that's for sure.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Mar 7 2007 9:17pm
If you leave me here Slaskia, I'll cry. We need our n00b eater. Look at how long Inyu lasted when you weren't here!
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 7 2007 11:43pm

Don't go! There are stories unfinished, questions unanswered!

Still, if you've gotta go/take a break/do something in real life, you've gotta [all that stuff]. Hopefully you'll be back - sooner or later, almost everyone is!
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2007 2:31am
Never fear, I don't intend to leave. While I do have a bad habit of not finishing stories I won't let that happen here! (besides, Kalshion would kill me if I left ;P)
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2007 1:20pm
(besides, Kalshion would kill me if I left ;P)

Too true! He would... and so would we!

Glad to see you're not leaving; just having a break. :)
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2007 4:09pm
Breaks are fun. I took a two year one once. Hopefully yours won't be quite that long.