Posts: 171
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2004 6:36pm
Alright, I've been going over things and I'm not sure, but I've probably been more than a bit hostile at times when the Union comes into consideration or discussion. I'll just apologize now rather than let it escalate any farther and end up turning the entire staff against me like others have done with their rantings.

I've been an ass at times, though I'm very subtle when I do it since I don't just scream curses constantly. I also am aware that this apology could fall on deaf ears. But I'll apologize none the less for my overly hostile behavior that has occured in certain discussions involving the Union.

I'm sure you'll catch this at some point Raktus, so I do apologize to you for the hostile attitude I've been giving but you do have to understand that I have actually tried to put effort into the Union and it seems like several R&D mods, including you, are undercutting it. I wouldn't rp here if I didn't like TRF but it really irritates me when that work gets counted for nothing. I spent time writing my 5,000 word takeovers to establish something hopefully new to give TRF a different kind of antagonist besides all these governments like BDE, Cree'ar, and TNO but it almost seems to count for nothing when the R&D staff tries to block something the Union has possible, even actual, access to.

Sorry again to everyone who may have become irritated by my attitude, I'm not much of a people person so my only reaction I seem to have at times is anger and frustration. With that said, I'll shut up now and get back to my scheming, good day.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2004 7:43pm
I don't think much of an appology is necessary, Estro. From what I've seen concerning the Union, you've been just explaining and re-explaining how the group works, over and over..
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2004 8:05pm
The problem is that you're trying to bake your cake and pop out of it too,
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2004 8:34pm
I tried that once.

A word to the wise, don't wear PVC underpants.