The way the story goes, ThinkTank Dynamics is a subsidiary of Cestus Cybernetics, established at the urging of Smarts to help develop what would eventually become Guardian.
In my takeover of Ord Cestus, Cestus Cybernetics became a holding of the planetary government, a reversal of the historical order of things, in which the corporation essentially controlled everything on-world.
The government of Ord Cestus has become one of the central components of the Cooperative, second only to Varn, the capital.
My chief concern, of course, is that I developed ThinkTank precisely to serve as a believable and trustworthy source for Guardian's development, and now the Cooperative's most secretive and successful military program―indeed, its only military program―has essentially been sold to an Imperial corporation without any explanation as to why (or how).
Ha! That did not read exactly as I wanted it too. My fault. I did not want the company...
The company cannot be that uber secret if it has tech on transport barges. Since it was a non-military tech, I figured what the hell.
Not to say the company does not have other uber secret departments that Arliss would not know about but a company name for transport AI would have been known, methinks.
It's really a none-issue, but VE just formed, literally. As in the brand name is new, the offices and personnel are just new too. Perhaps that makes it look a little more suspicious in fact...but it's just the facts.
Corise: I know it's a new in terms of you recently thinking it up and posting it.
But, if I remember reading the post with VE, the rep from VE was visiting all the other companies that they would eventually be taking over and at one point, someone mentioned VE having a mole inserted into one of those corporations. That led me to think that VE was around for a couple of years at least (perhaps much smaller in name since some CEO's hadn't heard of the company that was taking them over) but at least enough time to infiltrate another company, go through the buyouts they were leveraging, etc...
I may have read it wrong though. I tend to do that sometimes if I read too fast.
I am trying to end the thread though. Not all plotlines will be resolved and may be taken up in Post-Cataclysm threads.
On a "end the thread" note, Dolash and I are working on something for the Reavers that you might want to wait and see before you make any conclusions on that front.
It should be posted soon, so if you don't mind waiting that would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, that's true in that VE is derived from part of CSIS. So while certain elements of CSIS have been working on the project for a while, the public front of VE is new.