I don't remember if I have asked you this before or not but does/did Zeratul have a teleporting ability?
Ahnk - Question
In Starcraft 2 he can blink and disable people. Of course, he is also permanently cloaked.
Not that Zeratul.
I'm going to pretend that I was being a smart alec.
What's on your mind, Kaine?
Well, I seem to remember reading somewhere where he "fades" in and out and it translated (in my mind) as some sort of inherent teleportation. I don't know if it is due to the nature of his race, an ability ala the Nexus or some other means. I may have been an early ability of the character you wrote about but then discarded in later stories. In any event, it was central to my writing of the Yaga Minor assault. I am going to write about that assault and what happened in more detail in my current rp and I wanted to make sure I was onto something before I mention it further.
I had him use it in Cataclsym in the initial Zeratul/Gevel meeting, so it's definitely a current ability.
I hope Zeratul isn't an Azgaurd.