About the election.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 3:27am
Sorry to do this, but I'm afraid I'm just going to have to discontinue it. I'll say I won, and there was a lot of handshaking, and everyone was invited back for the inaguration ceremony, and when they left the planet it was by a private shuttle, untraceable, that took many confusing leaps first so that no one would make their way back.

It's just too hard to coordinate so much effort and so many people. Six or so candidate people, plus three voters, was just too much. I apoligize especially to Kyric, who was winning in the polls, because he put in a lot of effort it appears, to be beating me. I mean, just showing up at all being an enemy general took guts.

So I apoligize that my little experiment in democracy failed, but maybe if I refine my system, we can try again in another In Character two years (which'll probably roll around by christmas) until then thanks for trying.

See you.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 5:46am

It's going down to (essentially) a 4 person race. Don't quit now, or I'll eat your babies.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 6:13am
Dolash, what your doing now is much like the way they do things in Russia, except the political oppenent's don't disappear and turn up dead behind a barnhouse.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 2:29pm
Listen, we havn't even finished week two. The three voting guys (Kraken, Gash, and Gue) have yet to vote for this week at all. And I stated it'd be ten weeks long!

Maybe if I cut it down to five, and the voting guys actually voted, we could continue, but if not I'm sorry but I'll just have to end it in my favour until I can think of a better system.
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 5:23pm
No matter what you do, everyone will know the location of Azguard now.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 31 2004 11:02pm

You see, I specifically stated that the candidates took a "Private shuttle, leaving from Mon Calamari" to get to Azguard. No one traced it, or anything like that, so I'm still hidden away.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 3:40am
Dolash dont quit now. All the candidates have taken valuable time to craft campaigns and write out there actions- just ending the election would ruin all of that. I for one have posted promptyl each time, and don;t see why I should be kiecked out- nor should anyone be removed.

Elections, both in real life and here, in our own little universe take time. Its natural for them to be a long process- else the first front runer would win. Elections are designed to allow opinions to come out, opinions to change, dark-horses to surge and all that good stuff.

Don't quit now. Just be patient. You were so excited when this started, dfn't let time dampen your enthusasim.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 3:41am
I can still think of at least two ways that the candidates can find the location of Azguard.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 1 2004 3:53am
Well then if people are still interested, let's see if so much as ONE of the voters - Kraken, Gue and Gash - post in the thread. I think you'll see my point.