A New Kind of War OOC
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: May 6 2006 5:37pm
Note: Only Kach, Me, Kraken and staff will be allowed to post in this thread. Everybody else...go away.

This OOC thread relates to TNO's takeover of Bandomeer which can be found <a href=http://www.therebelfaction.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8115>here</a>. I have various problems with the posts of Kach Thorton and Pyle Harkum(Kraken). Unfortunately we have not been able to resolve these problems privately so here we are.

Starting with the post by Pyle Harkum:

1)I disagree with the whole premise of this post. Up until this point the President has been trying to stay neutral, something which both Kach and I agreed on. Then suddenly in the middle of a debate he decides to take a private discussion with the Imperials? That's sort of beyond the realm of likelyhood.

I would call to attention the results of the incident. Here, before it happened, citizens were voicing their protests against the Coalition in support of the Empire, against the line of Coalition troops. Suddenly, a few grenades pop out of the crowd, hit the soldiers barricades, bounce back into the crowd, and go boom. And all of a sudden, the crowd quiets, and soon start voicing support for the Coalition. The soldiers who were a moment ago seeming to protect the evil were suddenly heroes helping the innocent and wounded."

About this whole paragraph. First off that wasn't coalition troops that was a bunch of Bandomeerian police officers. And the crowd never started voicing support for the coalition. The riot began subdued because a few grenades usually are a bit of a shock. And some people went home because they didnt want to end up blown up. That was it. So a crapload of that paragraph is bull.

Especially in a time of war, which the Coalition has always had an abundance of. Although I can't say for certain, it seems likely that the Coalition will soon make a move on the Empire and her territory with this siezure of planets. I mean, we though it was innocioius that the Coalition was annexing planets within the realm of the Black Dragon Empire, and so did they, but it turned out to be a ruse, a Coalition fleet ambushing the Dragon delegation to Teth, and then invading their territory. Now the same thing appears to be happening here.

Assuming that we ignore the fact that the President doesn't manage to remember that it was the Empire who made demands there are also a few problems with this paragraph. To the best of the Imperials knowledge BDE attacked GC at Teth. BDE never made it known that we shot first and neither do we. Therefore in the eyes of the galaxy and TNO the war against BDE was provoked by the BDE attack on Teth. So that will also have to change in your post.

If it were up to me, I would certainly vote for neutrality

The issue on the table has nothing to do with joining GC. It is a simple join TNO or don't join TNO. Joining GC will be determined at a later date assuming this issue gets rejected.

5)My biggest problem with this post is that Harkum admits to Imperial Intelligence having agents on Bandomeer including snipers which isn't exactly going to be appreciated by the President. But despite all this he apparently believes Harkum's side of the story even though it goes against his own people's story. AND he agrees to let the Imperials interrogate their own men.

Basically I think the whole post is crap.

On to Kach's post.

1)Um we never captured your commandoes. They were arrested by Bandomeerian Police Officers.

2)I have no problem with you capturing Andrew White. But he wasn't the speaker. Kindly change that.

3)Wait. In one post it went from being about 50-50 at the senate to you having nearly 90 percent of the people there? Uh no.

“In addition, as of late they have been running a bloodthirsty campaign of expansion, often using underhanded tactics, such as when the ambushed the Black Dragon Empires emissary convoy on its way to Teth.

See my above comments on Kraken's post.

The truth is, as of late the Empire has never been freer. Freedom of speech, press, religion, and assemble are all guaranteed. Now granted there are some limits. For example, you can’t speak out against the government and the press must pass all stories by the government, but this is not out a hate of freedom but are safety measures to stop weakness at its source. As I stated earlier, too much of a good thing is not good at all and freedom is no exception. Too much freedom causes weakness, and weakness is one thing the Empire is most certainly against.

Wait. Freedom of Speech and Press are guaranteed but you can't speak out against the government and news stories have to be approved? That doesn't make sense but hey if you want to make a fool of yourself go for it

6)Um. So because you gave a nonsensical, unoriginal speech that was nothing more than a repetition of what the INS has been saying for ever suddenly 2/3rds of the people not only stop hating you they start supporting you? Ummmmmmmmm no. About three/quarters the people will always hate you because they like democracy which you admitted to not having. The other quarter will hate you for a very long time because you bombarded their planet and nearly killed a little boy. I never made the people at the Plaza of The Rising Sun like me. I made them shut up and some of them go away.

7)And about that little OOC note. I did change the numbers. You had 30,000. So instead of your demonstration being 30 times smaller it was only three times.

And them be my comments. Rebutals etc?
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: May 6 2006 6:34pm
5)My biggest problem with this post is that Harkum admits to Imperial Intelligence having agents on Bandomeer including snipers which isn't exactly going to be appreciated by the President. But despite all this he apparently believes Harkum's side of the story even though it goes against his own people's story. AND he agrees to let the Imperials interrogate their own men.

Umm I'm not sure what post you were reading but I never admitted to the presence of Imperial agents on Serenno, I just pointed out that Imperial Intelligence would never stoop to using snipers and suggested it was Coalition agents instead.

And a edit has been forthcoming, it's just taking me a while.
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: May 6 2006 7:08pm
You're right. Sorry about that. But the last two sentences of that point still stand.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: May 9 2006 9:10pm
I'm gonna do an edit on my last post soon, I ijust haven't had time. Itll involve sending a third of them home and just making htem peaceful. The exact same thing you did to mine. Just this time, half the crowd won't become imperial supporters.

It should only require the editing of the last few paragrapshs.
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: May 9 2006 9:54pm
Plus the arresting the wrong guy, mentioning the battle of teth etc.

And it better be something better than GC starts wars. Because thats old hack.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: May 10 2006 12:33am
You underestemate imperial intilligence.

But I'll fix the whole speaker thing. It'll be two men now instead of one, but I'll still capture both.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: May 10 2006 1:46am
When I edit, It'll be with Parkum having a special appointment to speak to all members of the debate, as like a witness called forth by a member to present evidence. And no mention of GC will take place.
Posts: 551
  • Posted On: May 10 2006 8:07pm
Alright but somebody from GC will be up right after you.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: May 10 2006 11:59pm
Kach will also get to make the final speech right before the vote. Nobody after him. It's him, then the vote.

BTW, my posts edited, so take a lookie.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: May 11 2006 4:01am
I just wanted to post and say, to all the involved members; I'm really enjoying reading this War of yours. Good work to all involved!

This can be deleted, naturally. It simply occured to me that, rather then spawning a new thread to praise Marth, Kach, and Kraken, I could do it here.

So, again...

Good work!