Welcome the Change [LFX/TTF/VC]
  • Posted On: Nov 23 2002 9:12am
... the logo of LFX Industrial slowly disolves, to be replaced by that of the LFX News Network. The camera turns to Ayddar Veila, seated behind the news desk on Questal...

"Welcome to the LFX News Netowrk, I'm Ayddar Veila. Today, members of the three leading Industries in our galaxy met for the first time on Eriadu, Capitol of the newly-formed LFX Industrial, the questionable leading corporation in this galaxy.

"Reports are sketchy, but it appears that Seti Ashar, LFX CEO, Vicory Nelix Galdra of the Trade Federation, and Seth Vinda, CEO of Vinda Corpoation, were all present.

"Detials of the meetings have been heavily classified, but it is known that LFX Industrial have requested several shipments from Vinda Corpoartion, and a deal is said to be in progress.

"More developments as they arise..."