Welcome to VNN's Hard talk, I'm Victor Barell...
Today, live, we pick, and examine the brains of the newest , and probably the most controversial voice to emerge through the Holo-net feeds yet!
Today , VNN welcomes Viryn Quell to its studios...
*The camera follows as Victor turns to his side to face Viryn...*
Victor Barell:
Welcome to VNN, Mister Quell...
A pleasure.
Victor Barell:
You are described as a freelance writer, what is it that you have to say?
Victor Barell:
what do you feel is your message to the people of the universe?
What I have to say is in defense of the common people. The people who make their case before their government for whatever reason.
My message is in favour of responsible government. A rarity.
Victor Barell: ah, so you consider yourself, "A voice for the people"
Precisely. Calling myself an author is almost cheating; what I say is not thoughts from my own mind, but from the minds of those thrown into peril by irresponsible governments and foolish warlords.
Victor Barell:
so you are on a some kind of "crusade" if you will?
Victor Barell:
you say, you are a voice for the people... <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> which<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> people are we talking about here?
The crusade, Mr Barrell, is not mine. The only crusade is that which the governments I criticise must undertake; the crusade towards responsibility, republicanism, and support of the people, not merely the rich and powerful. I'm just a catalyst of that.
Victor Barell:
anyone?, everyone?
Everyone who doesn't have a voice.
Victor Barell:
I see, were you elected or chosen in any way to speak for the people?
Victor Barell:
have you ever been?
No. I speak for those who don't get a say in the election of governmental leaders. The rich and influential, the powerful and prosperous who trod on those who they consider "insignificant" don't need a voice.
Even the republic is a dictatorship.
Victor Barell:
The New Republic?
Victor Barell:
interesting, so what are your thoughts on the Senate?
Yes. A dictatorship where the leaders are elevated by those with enough money, power, or guns to do so.
VirynQ: What senate? The senate that Gash Jiren and Organa Solo have so tied up in their ability to lift plates with the Force that those two Jedi have absolutely unsurmountable clout in all issues?
VirynQ: If I even need say it, I think it's a sham. A <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> bloody<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> sham.
Victor Barell:
So you do not think that either Mr Jiren, nor Mrs Solo, have the best interests of the people at heart?
I think they have the best interests of themselves and their religious cult at heart.
Victor Barell:
Religous cult?.. you are of course referring to the Jedi, do you not feel they are a benefit to the people of this galaxy?
Religion and government should be seperated, but in the Republic, they're so irreperably molded I can't divine where one starts and the other ends.
Sure. Indirectly. Largely, they are simply fighting their own battle of vengeance with the Sith, whether it helps, hinders, or destroys the citizens of the Republic.
Victor Barell:
but you do acknowledge , they have protected the people of this galaxies in countless ways?
Victor Barell:
and without that protection, more harm would have befallen a great deal more people
Even if they had abolished hunger, disease, war, and instilled peace and harmony within the entire Republic, religion and government blended together create a molotov cocktail that has been, historically, proven to start wars.
Victor Barell:
ah, so you believe they are the cause?
Victor Barell:
surely , there are many that would disagree with you there
I believe they are, in certain cases, the catalyst. Not the sole cause. Even when it's not best for the people, they choose to persue their little fued with the Sith and the Empire, instead of choosing peace.
There are many who would disagree with me in a lot of ways.
Victor Barell:
what do you define peace as, Mister Quell?
Victor Barell:
(as you see it)
The same thing everyone else does. It's simply that I won't settle for a half-assed version of it.
Peace is impossible, and it seems like the Republic has taken that as a reason to stop striving for it.
When really, peace's impossibility is the very reason we should always, always strive for it.
Victor Barell:
A lot of people might consider your, "writings" to be very negative, and perhaps , overly cynical, what would you say to that?
Victor Barell:
(especially the people you have personally attacked)
I'd say they're right. And I'd add that there are too many people blowing someone's horn, these days -- it's high time for someone to simply point out wrongs, without turning them around to promote some arbitrary cause.
Victor Barell:
Arbitrary cause?
Victor Barell:
can you elaborate?
Yes. You can't trust anything anyone says, because everyone is promoting whatever their little agenda is. Everything any politician says, these days, is said because of what they want to do, not what they think.
Victor Barell:
would you consider yourself a politician?
Victor Barell:
since, you seem to be, by the very nature of your work, very political
I am certainly political, but not a politician. I'm a political activist. I want to effect politics, but I have no desire to represent any government -- doing so would lower my integrity.
I simply say what I, and the people, think, without saying "This is bad, because I've got something better -- allow four to eight weeks for shipping."
Politics shouldn't be a god damn commercial.
Victor Barell:
so if there was a mandate from the people, requesting you to become a bigger part of the Political "game", would I be right in assuming you would not be interested?
Define "bigger part of the political game".
Victor Barell:
purely hyperthetical, shall we say Senatorship?
Victor Barell: if somone was to ask you if you would stand, would you do so?
VirynQ: No to senatorship. I would head up an organized group of the people for peaceful protest for better government, but I would never ally myself to a government.
Doing so would enter me into a world where I am required to back someone in every word I speak. In good conscience, I couldn't do that.
Victor Barell:
would you describe yourself, as an anarchist?
No. I'm for better government, not no government.
Victor Barell:
(just trying to gauge your boundaries)
Fair enough.
Victor Barell:
you do not believe Religion and politics should be mixed... are you religious?
Victor Barell: sorry Religon and Government
No. I was born on Coruscant and raised on Carida, two of the places most devoid of religion in the galaxy. But I respect the religions of others -- provided they're not being used to determine the destiny and direction of my government.
Victor Barell:
What in your mind would be the perfect system?
Victor Barell:
the perfect government?
Victor Barell:
by that I mean , one you would like to see in place
A TRUE republic, where officials are elected to represent the people instead of themselves or an agenda, and do so unbiasedly.
A pipe dream, but it doesn't stop me from striving for it.
Victor Barell:
So , am I to take from this that you consider there to be no such government in place?
Victor Barell:
anywhere in the Galaxy?
Yes, you are.
The perfect government can never exist. That's why we always have to work for it.
Victor Barell:
Ah so you are a realist ?
You could say that.
I'm only called an idealist by politicians which, instead of attempting to better themselves and their governments from my criticisms, try to defend themselves with lies, threats, and veils of secrecy and political agendas.
Victor Barell:
You go out of your way to literally name those whom you think to be no good for the galaxy, is this something you do on purpose?
Victor Barell:
for Sensationalism?..for effect?
I do everything on purpose. If I spoke arbitrarily, governments could cover themselves by saying, "We agree, this-this-and-this is bad, but Mr Quell OBVIOUSLY wasn't talking about us."
Victor Barell:
This is potentially , very dangerous, wouldn't you agree?
Victor Barell:
after all not many dare to critizise The New Order, for example, or The Juutralian Empire
VirynQ: I agree that it's more dangerous to me, by far. But doing otherwise would simply be noise for the sake of noise, with no effect. I think allowing irresponsible, dark-intentioned government to run rampant and unchecked, covered by my cowardly generalism, is far more dangerous, personally.
Thus, I avoid such a situation.
Victor Barell:
some might say by doing the very thing that you do, you very well invite it?
Victor Barell:
the "situation" you were referring to
Victor Barell:
have you had any threats, or experienced any intimidation?
Hardly. How does my specifically pointing out who is wrong, as opposed to mentioning "I don't like murderers", invite irresponsible government to run rampant, Mister Barrell?
And, yes. Threats are a common thing, in my business. You learn to live with it.
Book sales pay for bodyguards.
Victor Barell:
playing devils advocate for a moment, people might be justified in saying, that what you do, encourages, or invites governments or regimes to become potentially more hostile to the very ideas you propose...
Victor Barell:
what would you say to this?
Victor Barell:
since what you do , undermines these same governments
That it's easier to pin the blame on someone or something, than it is to admit something is very wrong. It's obvious that if a government is acting immorally, they're not just going to one day have a council meeting and decide, "Today, I'm going to pay reperations and kiss ass to make up for all the @#%$ I've caused".
Never, in history, has a wrong righted itself.
Especially not in government or law.
Victor Barell:
true, but some people might argue that upsetting the status quo , could lead to more tragedy, more war, and more suffering, without, necessarily a better government...
Victor Barell:
would you accept any responsibility for this, if such a situation arose?
VirynQ: They could argue that, sure. You can argue anything you want -- it's not against the law to be an idiot. What would these people propose? We sit back and take the poverty, war, death, oppression, and economic and moral ruin to our lives and our galaxy?
If a government punished it's people more for my words, then that would be called, "refusal to grant the right to freedom of speech".
And, again, it's their fault they've decided to be morally slutty. It's hard to spin denial of human rights as "A glorious triumph for freedom!", after all.
Victor Barell:
So, speaking once more hyperthetically, if a government was toppled by a revolution that your words helped to fuel, would you consider this " a job well done"?
Possibly. What government was toppled, how were they toppled, and what replaced them?
Victor Barell:
lets say, one of those which you have named and shamed in the past
We'll choose the Rogue- ah, Juutralian Empire, since they were the last to present me a job offer.
Victor Barell:
so if this particular govenrment was toppled, you would feel satisfaction?
If they were toppled by a measure no more brutal than it absolutely needed to be, and replaced by something republican and morally upright, it would be a job well done -- but not a job finished. My job is never finished; government can always be improved, and I would continue, in this situation, to work to do that.
(For a note, by "republican", I mean in political system of election and representation, not in similarity to the New Republic.)
Victor Barell:
do you believe in the belief that the Media can indeed help bring about such a change?
Of course. All media informs, and information is what allows a people to think freely and beyond whatever confines are layed for them. So media can and often has been the catalyst for revolution.
Victor Barell:
and you are a staunch believer in Free speech, what about censorship?
Victor Barell:
do you feel there should be any?
Free speech is everything. It is how a people affect the world around them.
Censorship of thought? No. Censorship of things like, say, child pornography? Yes, obviously.
Victor Barell:
indeed, but by this, am I to believe you feel that people who are involved in communicating through the media, should have a certain responsibilty , because of the effect it can have?
Yes, but I also believe that, as hard as we try, we cannot DETERMINE the course of action people take. So, we must be responsible -- but people who use the media as an excuse to injustly harm others, or society, are criminals in their own right.
People are in control of their own actions. The media must be conscious of their effect on people, but ultimately, it falls to the people to determine what they do with their lives.
Victor Barell:
I see, well thank you for your time Mr Quell.
Victor Barell:
is there anything else you would like to say before we end?
Only that it has been a pleasure, Mr. Barrell. Give Mr. Vinda and all of Vinda Corp and VNN thanks, for giving my beliefs and the beliefs of those I represent the time of day. It's more noble than some have proven.
Keep thinking freely. Thanks.
Victor Barell:
I shall, thank you Mr Quell.
Well, thats all we have time for, now,
Once again thank you for joining us for this week's edition of 'Hard-Talk',
I'm Victor Barell, and you're watching VNN
*End graphics*
Today, live, we pick, and examine the brains of the newest , and probably the most controversial voice to emerge through the Holo-net feeds yet!
Today , VNN welcomes Viryn Quell to its studios...
*The camera follows as Victor turns to his side to face Viryn...*
Victor Barell:
Welcome to VNN, Mister Quell...
A pleasure.
Victor Barell:
You are described as a freelance writer, what is it that you have to say?
Victor Barell:
what do you feel is your message to the people of the universe?
What I have to say is in defense of the common people. The people who make their case before their government for whatever reason.
My message is in favour of responsible government. A rarity.
Victor Barell: ah, so you consider yourself, "A voice for the people"
Precisely. Calling myself an author is almost cheating; what I say is not thoughts from my own mind, but from the minds of those thrown into peril by irresponsible governments and foolish warlords.
Victor Barell:
so you are on a some kind of "crusade" if you will?
Victor Barell:
you say, you are a voice for the people... <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> which<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> people are we talking about here?
The crusade, Mr Barrell, is not mine. The only crusade is that which the governments I criticise must undertake; the crusade towards responsibility, republicanism, and support of the people, not merely the rich and powerful. I'm just a catalyst of that.
Victor Barell:
anyone?, everyone?
Everyone who doesn't have a voice.
Victor Barell:
I see, were you elected or chosen in any way to speak for the people?
Victor Barell:
have you ever been?
No. I speak for those who don't get a say in the election of governmental leaders. The rich and influential, the powerful and prosperous who trod on those who they consider "insignificant" don't need a voice.
Even the republic is a dictatorship.
Victor Barell:
The New Republic?
Victor Barell:
interesting, so what are your thoughts on the Senate?
Yes. A dictatorship where the leaders are elevated by those with enough money, power, or guns to do so.
VirynQ: What senate? The senate that Gash Jiren and Organa Solo have so tied up in their ability to lift plates with the Force that those two Jedi have absolutely unsurmountable clout in all issues?
VirynQ: If I even need say it, I think it's a sham. A <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> bloody<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> sham.
Victor Barell:
So you do not think that either Mr Jiren, nor Mrs Solo, have the best interests of the people at heart?
I think they have the best interests of themselves and their religious cult at heart.
Victor Barell:
Religous cult?.. you are of course referring to the Jedi, do you not feel they are a benefit to the people of this galaxy?
Religion and government should be seperated, but in the Republic, they're so irreperably molded I can't divine where one starts and the other ends.
Sure. Indirectly. Largely, they are simply fighting their own battle of vengeance with the Sith, whether it helps, hinders, or destroys the citizens of the Republic.
Victor Barell:
but you do acknowledge , they have protected the people of this galaxies in countless ways?
Victor Barell:
and without that protection, more harm would have befallen a great deal more people
Even if they had abolished hunger, disease, war, and instilled peace and harmony within the entire Republic, religion and government blended together create a molotov cocktail that has been, historically, proven to start wars.
Victor Barell:
ah, so you believe they are the cause?
Victor Barell:
surely , there are many that would disagree with you there
I believe they are, in certain cases, the catalyst. Not the sole cause. Even when it's not best for the people, they choose to persue their little fued with the Sith and the Empire, instead of choosing peace.
There are many who would disagree with me in a lot of ways.
Victor Barell:
what do you define peace as, Mister Quell?
Victor Barell:
(as you see it)
The same thing everyone else does. It's simply that I won't settle for a half-assed version of it.
Peace is impossible, and it seems like the Republic has taken that as a reason to stop striving for it.
When really, peace's impossibility is the very reason we should always, always strive for it.
Victor Barell:
A lot of people might consider your, "writings" to be very negative, and perhaps , overly cynical, what would you say to that?
Victor Barell:
(especially the people you have personally attacked)
I'd say they're right. And I'd add that there are too many people blowing someone's horn, these days -- it's high time for someone to simply point out wrongs, without turning them around to promote some arbitrary cause.
Victor Barell:
Arbitrary cause?
Victor Barell:
can you elaborate?
Yes. You can't trust anything anyone says, because everyone is promoting whatever their little agenda is. Everything any politician says, these days, is said because of what they want to do, not what they think.
Victor Barell:
would you consider yourself a politician?
Victor Barell:
since, you seem to be, by the very nature of your work, very political
I am certainly political, but not a politician. I'm a political activist. I want to effect politics, but I have no desire to represent any government -- doing so would lower my integrity.
I simply say what I, and the people, think, without saying "This is bad, because I've got something better -- allow four to eight weeks for shipping."
Politics shouldn't be a god damn commercial.
Victor Barell:
so if there was a mandate from the people, requesting you to become a bigger part of the Political "game", would I be right in assuming you would not be interested?
Define "bigger part of the political game".
Victor Barell:
purely hyperthetical, shall we say Senatorship?
Victor Barell: if somone was to ask you if you would stand, would you do so?
VirynQ: No to senatorship. I would head up an organized group of the people for peaceful protest for better government, but I would never ally myself to a government.
Doing so would enter me into a world where I am required to back someone in every word I speak. In good conscience, I couldn't do that.
Victor Barell:
would you describe yourself, as an anarchist?
No. I'm for better government, not no government.
Victor Barell:
(just trying to gauge your boundaries)
Fair enough.
Victor Barell:
you do not believe Religion and politics should be mixed... are you religious?
Victor Barell: sorry Religon and Government
No. I was born on Coruscant and raised on Carida, two of the places most devoid of religion in the galaxy. But I respect the religions of others -- provided they're not being used to determine the destiny and direction of my government.
Victor Barell:
What in your mind would be the perfect system?
Victor Barell:
the perfect government?
Victor Barell:
by that I mean , one you would like to see in place
A TRUE republic, where officials are elected to represent the people instead of themselves or an agenda, and do so unbiasedly.
A pipe dream, but it doesn't stop me from striving for it.
Victor Barell:
So , am I to take from this that you consider there to be no such government in place?
Victor Barell:
anywhere in the Galaxy?
Yes, you are.
The perfect government can never exist. That's why we always have to work for it.
Victor Barell:
Ah so you are a realist ?
You could say that.
I'm only called an idealist by politicians which, instead of attempting to better themselves and their governments from my criticisms, try to defend themselves with lies, threats, and veils of secrecy and political agendas.
Victor Barell:
You go out of your way to literally name those whom you think to be no good for the galaxy, is this something you do on purpose?
Victor Barell:
for Sensationalism?..for effect?
I do everything on purpose. If I spoke arbitrarily, governments could cover themselves by saying, "We agree, this-this-and-this is bad, but Mr Quell OBVIOUSLY wasn't talking about us."
Victor Barell:
This is potentially , very dangerous, wouldn't you agree?
Victor Barell:
after all not many dare to critizise The New Order, for example, or The Juutralian Empire
VirynQ: I agree that it's more dangerous to me, by far. But doing otherwise would simply be noise for the sake of noise, with no effect. I think allowing irresponsible, dark-intentioned government to run rampant and unchecked, covered by my cowardly generalism, is far more dangerous, personally.
Thus, I avoid such a situation.
Victor Barell:
some might say by doing the very thing that you do, you very well invite it?
Victor Barell:
the "situation" you were referring to
Victor Barell:
have you had any threats, or experienced any intimidation?
Hardly. How does my specifically pointing out who is wrong, as opposed to mentioning "I don't like murderers", invite irresponsible government to run rampant, Mister Barrell?
And, yes. Threats are a common thing, in my business. You learn to live with it.
Book sales pay for bodyguards.
Victor Barell:
playing devils advocate for a moment, people might be justified in saying, that what you do, encourages, or invites governments or regimes to become potentially more hostile to the very ideas you propose...
Victor Barell:
what would you say to this?
Victor Barell:
since what you do , undermines these same governments
That it's easier to pin the blame on someone or something, than it is to admit something is very wrong. It's obvious that if a government is acting immorally, they're not just going to one day have a council meeting and decide, "Today, I'm going to pay reperations and kiss ass to make up for all the @#%$ I've caused".
Never, in history, has a wrong righted itself.
Especially not in government or law.
Victor Barell:
true, but some people might argue that upsetting the status quo , could lead to more tragedy, more war, and more suffering, without, necessarily a better government...
Victor Barell:
would you accept any responsibility for this, if such a situation arose?
VirynQ: They could argue that, sure. You can argue anything you want -- it's not against the law to be an idiot. What would these people propose? We sit back and take the poverty, war, death, oppression, and economic and moral ruin to our lives and our galaxy?
If a government punished it's people more for my words, then that would be called, "refusal to grant the right to freedom of speech".
And, again, it's their fault they've decided to be morally slutty. It's hard to spin denial of human rights as "A glorious triumph for freedom!", after all.
Victor Barell:
So, speaking once more hyperthetically, if a government was toppled by a revolution that your words helped to fuel, would you consider this " a job well done"?
Possibly. What government was toppled, how were they toppled, and what replaced them?
Victor Barell:
lets say, one of those which you have named and shamed in the past
We'll choose the Rogue- ah, Juutralian Empire, since they were the last to present me a job offer.
Victor Barell:
so if this particular govenrment was toppled, you would feel satisfaction?
If they were toppled by a measure no more brutal than it absolutely needed to be, and replaced by something republican and morally upright, it would be a job well done -- but not a job finished. My job is never finished; government can always be improved, and I would continue, in this situation, to work to do that.
(For a note, by "republican", I mean in political system of election and representation, not in similarity to the New Republic.)
Victor Barell:
do you believe in the belief that the Media can indeed help bring about such a change?
Of course. All media informs, and information is what allows a people to think freely and beyond whatever confines are layed for them. So media can and often has been the catalyst for revolution.
Victor Barell:
and you are a staunch believer in Free speech, what about censorship?
Victor Barell:
do you feel there should be any?
Free speech is everything. It is how a people affect the world around them.
Censorship of thought? No. Censorship of things like, say, child pornography? Yes, obviously.
Victor Barell:
indeed, but by this, am I to believe you feel that people who are involved in communicating through the media, should have a certain responsibilty , because of the effect it can have?
Yes, but I also believe that, as hard as we try, we cannot DETERMINE the course of action people take. So, we must be responsible -- but people who use the media as an excuse to injustly harm others, or society, are criminals in their own right.
People are in control of their own actions. The media must be conscious of their effect on people, but ultimately, it falls to the people to determine what they do with their lives.
Victor Barell:
I see, well thank you for your time Mr Quell.
Victor Barell:
is there anything else you would like to say before we end?
Only that it has been a pleasure, Mr. Barrell. Give Mr. Vinda and all of Vinda Corp and VNN thanks, for giving my beliefs and the beliefs of those I represent the time of day. It's more noble than some have proven.
Keep thinking freely. Thanks.
Victor Barell:
I shall, thank you Mr Quell.
Well, thats all we have time for, now,
Once again thank you for joining us for this week's edition of 'Hard-Talk',
I'm Victor Barell, and you're watching VNN
*End graphics*