The Royal Syndicate
  • Posted On: Dec 14 2002 11:57pm
A man completely shrouded in a black cloth sat down behind a desk,his face of course was completly coverd by a long drooping hood so that he may not be regognized, his voice however would be known throughout the galaxy, everyone knew him as Lord Shadow Reaper. With his boney hands clasped on the desk he began to speak.

"It is with great plesure i announce my future plans this day, it is with great joy i talk to you through these means of communication to grant you a view into what is about to happen." Said the Lord in a great husky voice.

"As you all know, i have been away a very long time, a good 7 months infact my terror has been suppressed and away from you citizens, but not for much longer, infact the beginning of terror and dark order begins as i speak, my followers, very fernatical and very loyal follow my every move, and grant my everywish, we are few at the moment, but soon we shall be a contingent, a group, a one being. The ringed planet Of Ambria is now under my control through means i dont want to explain, its my base of operations as you well know, perhaps the jedi or other empires got wind or rumorsof my presence in the Ambrian system, but alas you did not act upon them...very foolish." The camara now panned upwards to view behind The Lord, it showed a ships hanger and there stood to attention in jet black uniforms were around 600 troops all standing to attention in a pristine mannor.

"With this i introduce you to my empire, i introduce you to The Royal Syndicate and its followers, soon we shall be large, soon we shall be commanding and soon some of your banners shall fall to us...however...there are a few Factions i would rather remain....heh...friends to..." As he said this, a small digital display opened at the right side of the screen with 3 factions upon it.

The Jutraalian Empire
The New Order
Uprising Enemies

"All 3 factionswill be contacted shortly, and as for the rest of you....i'll see you soon..." The screen then went black as the broadcast ended with a light chuckle from Death Himself.
  • Posted On: Dec 15 2002 4:24am
Oh, oh, the excitement is simply palpable. Wait, allow me to guess.

Another homicidal maniac drunk on the Force and his own glory, and convinced that the galaxy is living in perpetual, mortal fear of him? Yes, I am quavering, because the galaxy is simply facing a terrible shortage of Force-obsessed power junkies. You certainly are one of a kind, Lord Shadow Reaper.

Crawl back into the hole you came from, and save everyone about six months until the next time you realize that no one in the galaxy fears you. The only thing worse than an intergalactic despot and tyrant is a wannabe intergalactic despot and tyrant who will undoubtedly mow down hundreds in his persuit of power, with utter disregard for even the meager sentient rights pratices that Palpatine observed.

Clearly, in the past, Lord Shadow Reaper has shown utter incompetance at all but the single-minded (but ultimately fruitless) persuit of power. I urge the New Order, the Jutraalian Empire, and Uprising Enemies to dismiss the attempted negotiations of this vagrant and murderer. Clearly, association with him can only degrade your own dignity and galactic presitge, while benefitting him.

-Viryn X. Quell,
Freelance Author