The Azguardian Elections - on GNN
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 1:38am
"Hello and welcome back to GNN, Blitzer Wolf reporting to you live at our GNN studios.

"In an unusual turn of events, we recieved word that a little-known and shrouded member of the Coalition known as the "Azguards" are holding an open election for leader. The democratic race will be starting in the next few days and is excpected to last about a week. Anyone who wants to run must go to Mon Calamari, and from there will be taken by private shuttle to Azguard.

"Although little is known, the current Azguard Lord, "Regrad", is saying he hopes varied and spiritied competition from the galaxy, and the people of the Coaltions' past and present enemies are still welcome to run, although don't excpect too much support.

"We will be keeping you up-to-date as this story unfolds. No candidates have been confirmed as stepping forwards for the race so far, but the declaration is new and it is quite possible some may."
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 3:01am
Hilter Afdol Announces Canidacy for Azguardian election

Former Dejarik Champion says, "I'm in to win... like always

In a press release from the a news agent representing Hilter Afdol said the former galactic Dejarik hologame champion is ready to re-enter public life. Hilter, who retired as the reigning champion of the IDHA (Galactic Dejarik Hologam Assosiation), has spent the last 5 years running, Agro Inc, his own corporation based on the agricultural world of Garqi. Reknowned for his calm calculating demenor, Hilter was regaurded as a master strategist in a game often enjoyed by smugglers and gamblers. His intensity last throughout the match, but a characteristic smile was often seen near the end of the game, as Hilter say the decisive finishing blow.

Outside of the gaming area, Hilter's corporation, Agro Inc, has skyrocketed since he accquired the company 5 years ago. Its stock, which trades on the Bonadoon, Aaragau, Muunlist and Dorthal exchanges, has jumped up as much as 73 percent, and has made both the company and Hilter independently wealthy. Of course, Chairman Afdol doen't need all of extra income, which compiled with his Dejarik winnings is estimated to be in the billions of credits, and thus he is known for his givings to various charitable organizations and planetary governments.

When asked why he was running, Hilter had said,

"I'm always up for a new challenge. It's just my spirit- wether it be dejarik, running a corporation, or leading a species, I want to be constantly pushing myself to perform to the best of my abilities."

Hilter was also not thrown off by the suggestion a human couldn't win an alien election, especially and alien race who had so recently engaged the Galactic Empire.

"I've read as much as I can find about the Azguards, and I must say, they're an advanced, well developed civillization. They'e not going to hold my race against me. I mean, if they're going to let anyone run, they must have an open mind."

When asked if he thought he had a chance to actually win, the former champion smiled and said,

"I always play to win... and if you don't believe me you can ask my former opponents. I'm in it to win.... like always."

If his winning ways can transfer over to a public election, who knows what else Hilter might be winning.
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 3:09am
Farfalen Admiral Declares Canidacy

In a recent press release, Farfalen Lord Admiral Kyric Zen declared that he himself shall be running for the prestigious office that is offered by the Azguards. When asked for comment he had only this to say.

"I win. It's obvious. Go ask Bakurans, or Adumarians, or Esselessians. It'll be a synch."
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 4:00am
<span style="font-size:large;">Racial Puritarian Declares Candidacy</span>

Jyanus, a member of an organization called the Underclan Of Normal Humans, today announced his candidacy for the Azguardian political office.

"Azguard is in decay," he commented, "their leadership continues a war against the New Order that costs their citizens lifes and fortunes, and for what? Continual defeat in the face of a superior, albeit corrupt and evil, opponent. No, what Azguard needs is a negotiated peace with the Empire. But they can never have that when they hand in hand with terroist states such as the Outer Rim Soveirgnty."

He continued to say, "Were I elected, the Azguard would cut off all ties with these terrorist states, and begin to create a more stable, economically secure, and racially pure society."

Most famous for being a third party (among many) during the war with The Sith Brotherhood and The Galactic Defense Initiative, the Underclan Of Normal Humans often propogated that Jedi and Sith were fighting for essentially no reason, and were causing chaos throughout the galaxy as a result. The Underclan has engaged the Jedi and the Sith several times, in what while largely regarded as terrorist actions, were labelled by the Underclan as "righterous justice".

More as we have it.

  • Posted On: Feb 18 2004 2:39am
Former HoloNet Star Declares Canidacy
Why Not?

In a flash press conference, former star of the hit HoloNet situation comedy show self-titled "Barry" and civil rights protestor famous for his participation in the "Little People of the Galaxy" campaign Barry Moleman has declared his canidacy for the Azguardian presidential office. In his conference, he didn't mention much about his strategy or goals, but rather put a strong emphasis on how successful his TV show had been on the HoloNet. He ignored the "skeptics" who asked what that had to do with running for presidency.

"And why not?" Barry commented to skeptics after the press conference, "If Zen can do it, so can I!"

When pressed for his political strategy and goals for the Azguardian populace if elected, Mr. Moleman decided not to comment. It is well known, however, that he wants to work to improve the dwarf, midget, and other little people's civil rights on Azguard, which he claims has been suffering greatly. When GNN caught hold of his campaign planner and former co-star on "Barry", Terry Ridges, he didn't seem to know exactly who Barry was, and who he was for that matter. He also seemed to have slightly glazed eyes.

More as we have it.

  • Posted On: Feb 21 2004 2:48am
Entrepreneur steps up

Adrian Atreides signed his name on the dotted line thus adding it to an already impressive list of leader hopefuls.

A reporter caught the unassuming man before he could slip away and was asked about his views on political issues.

The man paused a moment and simply said, "I definitely have my own ideas and views on certain things, but the leadership of Azguard is not a venue for me to promote those as much as it is a venue to work in harmony with the wishes of the democratic majority of all Azguard tribes, clans, and families."

He smiled before stepping into a taxi, "Before I can express my views on subjects of political importance, I must find out first what subjects/issues the Azguards hold as important."
Posts: 405
  • Posted On: Feb 22 2004 9:15pm
<font size=4>Democracy? Sounds good.
Azguardian elections cause stir.</font>

Commentary by Ian Malcolm, INS

Well, I'm glad to see that at least one of the member races of the so-called 'Galactic Coalition' honours their claims of democracy and 'by the people' leadership. Perhaps recent events will convince Jan Dondanda and Joren Arden to follow the same route as their ally Regrad.

Of course, if the past three years of Coalition rule have been any indication, these two men would sooner burn the galaxy down than loose their precious positions.

But military dictators are like that, I suppose.

In the few short years since the Wrath epidemic, Jan Dondanda and Joren Arden have laid waste to the world of Kamino (forcing the Empire to step in and liberate that world), declared War on a legitimate government and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of beings, and plunged the galaxy into a dark age not seen since the war against Chadd Fearsons and his Rogue Empire.

But I suppose all this is okay, because one of the three leaders of the Coalition is democratic.

Let's wait to see who 'wins' this election before we declare them the good guys, though.