Terrorist bombing on Coruscant
  • Posted On: Mar 15 2002 7:37am
Today robo-hack bomb was set off outside the grand palace on Coruscant just Senater Almaya was about to step into it. Luckily he wasn't hurt. Many terrorist factions were suspected in this attack as were members of The New Order. It isn't clear if the attack was carried out by a second party. Certain law-enforcement officers believe that it may have links to the recent stepping up in illegal smuggling Corellian Sector this smuggling seems to predomately originate from the Bajic sector and these officers believe that the New republic crackdowns on smuggling had forced the smugglers into terrorist actions to hopefully subdue the New republic into submission.

Zahn Kovar Galactica News Net Coruscant

ooc:this has absolutely nothing to do with the New republic I just used the government name and one of your planets
  • Posted On: Mar 15 2002 4:28pm
OOC: "ooc:this has absolutely nothing to do with the New republic I just used the government name and one of your planets." Yeah... that's like kicking me in the shin and telling me that it has nothing to do with me- you just used my leg.

Press Release:
On behalf of both the New Republic, the Rogue Jedi Order, and all of the allies thereof, the New Republic Navy commanders Xylon Hexyra and Gash Jiren would like to express their most sicere condolences to the families of those lost in the Coruscant terrorist bombing.

While their lives have been lost, and nothing said by two Admirals can rectify that, we swear to you that they have not died in vain. The tragedy has brought political attention and clout to the growingly volatile situation of tension between the New Republic and the Empire. The New Republic has become vulnerable because of the peaceful conditions we have endured.

This is not a consolation to the lives so irreperably changed for the worse by this tragedy. But take some small comfort in the knowledge that your sons, your daughters, your husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, did not die for nothing. In the end, they died for peace.

Force Rest Their Souls.

Our condolences,
Gash Jiren and Xylon Hexyra
On behalf of,
The New Republic and the Rogue Jedi Order