Posted On:
Mar 31 2005 3:03am
"In recent weeks, the Coalition government has been championing and distributing a vaccine called the Panacea. Heavily promoted as a "Cure-all" that actually works, the vaccination rate has been 95% of the population so far, and already the effects are being felt.
"Some early concerns as to the nature of the vaccine were apparent, but confidence was boosted when Prime Minister Regrad became the first to be given the vaccine and showed impressive health and vigor afterwards. Some adjustments have been made, and there was a delay for some races as the genome-mapping projects wound down, but it appears the process is winding down.
"But what is the Panacea? The Coalition has stated it is a shot of tiny droids who are completely adapted for safe existance inside the body, and who are equipped to deal with most health problems. A list was released, however, of conditions that could not be treated by the droids, and some were disappointed to find many genetic disorders were not completely dealt with."
" "The best we can do is allow the droids to repair damage caused by the disorders at this time, although we hope in the future to create a new vaccine that will upgrade their capabilities." Was the statement accompanying the list.
"Although people across the Coalition were made glad by the news, some early controversy has reared its' head. Namely, it was soon discovered that the droids blunted the effectivness of anything else injected directly into the blood-stream, including things from illegal drugs to life-saving substances. The Coalition quickly managed to deploy instructions as to how to prepare substances to circumvent the Panacea, although these were kept specific to the life-saving substances used by hospitals and are kept in strict confidentiality. Drug-use has dropped off, as many drugs' effectivness was weakened, and funding was increased to clinics to handle the suspected increase in depressed cases or angry vaccinated individuals. On the bright side, withdrawl effects are significantly reduced by the droids, and even the common Hangover is blunt.
"The Coalition has plans to hand over the Panacea to all other galactic governments in an effort to promote galactic health, even those it opposes, pending an Ethics Ministry and Foreign Affaris Ministry approval."
Posted On:
Apr 1 2005 4:04pm
Belgardi Ltd Threatens Lawsuit
Coalition "Miracle Drug" infringes upon patent
"What the Coalition has done is unethical and unfair, and Belgardi is not going to be pushed around by anyone." Vice President Valoris, Belgardi Ltd.
What's got the mega-corporation all riled up?
The recent sucess of "Project Panacea" has caused quite a stir in the galactic financial community, as medical companies's stocks have floored with the sudden loss of a valuable market. Belgardi Ltd has grown to become a major player in the medical field, both with it's "Eden Full Body Medicinal Treatment" and the reopening of the Kolto market on Maanan. The comapny however saw its stock drop after the Coalition announcment.
"So what?" you say- the GC beat the comapny to a good idea.
Not quite.
Belgardi's Eden treatment is remarkable similar, and as I have been led to be believe safer and more effective than Panacea- plus it was developed first!!! The product was orginally developed by Falleen scientists, who filed patents with numerous governments, including the Galactic Empire, and those patent rights where purchased fully by Belgardi Ltd. The company meanwhile, has expanded its patent right by filing for exclusive production of "ultra-small, mechanical devices, including but not limited to: robots, droids, nano-bots and microbes, for the express purpose of promoting greater physical health through processes including but not limited to: stimulation of the bodies natural defenses, vaccination, injection of liquid treatment, simulated immune responses/organelles and destruction of harmful foriegn particles."
In otherwords, GC has violated the patent protection of a major galactic company. In doing so they have seriously damaged the financial standings of millions of shareholders, not only in Belgardi but other major medicinal holdings. The slowly rejuvenating economy of Manaan has been completly derailed with the news of an entire galactic market in effect, closing to their product.
They may not have done so intentionally- they may have (and most probably did) have the best of intentions. But like all medicine, Panacea seems to have some serious side effects.
Company officals stated that unless a settlement can be reached, the will be filing suits in Coalition and Imperial courts, and name GC as the defendent in smaller courts across the galaxy.
-"Special from the Editor"
Maximillion Vertigan
Posted On:
Apr 3 2005 6:37pm
Empire issues warning against use of 'miracle drug'
Drug causes more harm than good, Surgeon General says
The office of the Surgeon General today issued a warning against the use of 'Panacea', a new miracle drug developed by the Galactic Coalition.
The drug, said to be in fact an injection of tiny robotic machines, has been widely spread throughout Coalition space, and already reports are being recorded of adverse and sometimes fatal side effects. The Empire's Surgoen General, Doctor Koffman, issued a statement warning against the use of the injection: "I would be very concerned about any drug that claims to cure any and all ailment regardless of species," he said from Belderone, the location of a large Imperial hospital and research centre, "the simple fact of the matter is, with the vast number of different species and diseases, no one item can even come close to curing all of them."
The Imperial Department of Health Sciences also issued a warning, banning the drug on Imperial worlds and ordering anyone who had recieved an injection to report to the nearest hospital for immediate treatment. A spokesman for IDHS said, "the Department of Health is very concerned with this new 'cure all'. The inner workings of the various species we treat are far to complex for a mechanical 'mircale'."
Supporters of the Panacea project have argued that the Empire makes extensive use of Bacta, also known as a 'cure all' for a variety of illness, effective on most species. But, warns Doctor Koffman, there is a very real difference: "Bacta is a natural supplement. It is not an instand cure all, Bacta expediates curing by working with the body's natural functions." The Doctor went on to say that whereas Bacta was extensively tested for a decade or more before it's introduction into civilian medical practises, the Panacea project has been rushed into production and billions have already been given the drug, whether they were willing or not.
"The government put out a call requiring all citizens to be injected," one man said, refusing to be named lest the government persecute him. "I was worried, because I'm a Doctor and there's not a lot of background for this science. But they just sent it out and made everyone take it."
Indeed, the Coalition has indicated that an astounding 95% of their population has been treated, even those who had no reason to be injected. Medical institutions across the galaxy are watching with grave concern over the eventual outcome of the injections, but projections are not good at this point.
But that's not the only worry. Some groups - infamous droid manufacturer Industrial Automaton, manufacturer of the famous Astromech droids - among them, fear a far more sinister use for the Coalition's Panacea project.
"These are machines," says CEO Davyd Marcel, "and machines, as we all know, can be programmed to do whatever the programmer pleases." Indeed, some have raised concerns that the Panacea droids handed over to other governments could be programmed to incapacitate those who recieve the treatment, allowing the Coalition to overrun their worlds with relative ease.
Belgardi Ltd. has issued a statement condeming the Coalition for stealing a patented idea. Belgardi was responsible for the 'Eden Full Body Medicinal Treatment' project, released some time ago. Imperial officials have refused to comment on the similarities, stating that "the concern of the Empire is not whether or not the Coalition stole this idea from someone else, but the inherent dangers involved in any such project."
-Imperial News Service (INS)
Posted On:
Apr 3 2005 11:02pm
(Note: since medical dangers were covered in the roleplay, and I'm not 'forcing people' to be vaccinated, I'm assuming that Demos is just propagandizing for his own benefit in the post above.)
"The Coalition has released the following statement about both incidents:"
"We are more than slightly surprised at these two declarations. Firstly, the manner of Belgardi's patent is inconsistant with the Coalition's Universal Patenting association, meaning it is none-applicable in Coalition territory. This is because the patent is far too wide-reaching and breaches both our anti-trust policy and our anti-monopoly policy. Also, the Panacea has been classified as a social benefit, meaning it is immune to laws about patents or private ownership because it benefits society.
"Should Belgardi wish to pursue legal action against the Coalition, their case will be discarded under the law as it lacks substance. Also, should Belgardi attempt any effort to stifle use of Panacea on other planets to protect their oh-so-precious 'stock value', we are prepared to take our own actions against them, and to assist any government finding itself bullied by the galactic corporation.
"As to the second case, we have this to say. The Empire is of such a massive scale that for the sake of so many lives it cannot so casually dismiss the Panacea. Coalition doctors and researchers have volunteerd their time to help debunk these stories of the hidden dangers of the Panacea, not to mention go over the details of the Panacea with colleagues in the Empire to assuage any doubts as to the nature of the cure and what it is capable of.
"It is of the upmost concern of the Coalition that the vast populations of the Empire do not miss out on such a historical opportunity to raise their standard of living and life expectancy. We will do everything we can to ensure the Empire is satisfied with the Panacea as soon as possible, so that it may be distributed there as well. We mean only goodwill to the Empire and its' citizens with this cure, and are anxious to meet as soon as possible to resolve the situation.
"Also, the House has passed the resolution to distribute the Panacea Galaxy-wide. Only the most vital and confidential notes on the Panacea are to be witheld, to eliminate the risk of someone tampering with or perverting the Panacea, the rest will be distributed as soon as possible and as far as we can send them."
"More on this story as it developes."
Posted On:
Apr 4 2005 1:36am
'Panacea' dangers unvieled
New treatment slammed by researchers
The Imperial Department of Research and Development today released a report slamming 'Panacea', a new medical treatment devised by the Galactic Coalition.
This comes just days after New Order Technical released a statement declaring the treatment a 'grave threat' and recomending patients refrain from using it. Earlier this month the Coalition released the technical documents for Panacea. IDRD and NOT immediatly set to examining the data, and the results, they say, are troubling.
"The devices are really quite dangerous," a spokesman for the Department of R&D told INS, "during the testing phase, a number of simulated patients died due to malfunctions." Supporters of Panacea argue that this is normal during the testing phase, and that the latest rendition of the treatment is safe. But the data unvieled by the Coalition reveals something more: according to the information unleashed by the Coalition's medical department, the latest version of the project was deployed with minimal testing.
In fact, the first and only test was performed on the Coalition's Prime Minister. This alone was reason enough for the Empire to sustain it's ban on the development. The Regent has issued a statement condeming the Coalition for "unsafe medical practices... including the usage of untested treatments on living patients." New Order Technical had far harsher words for the Coalition, calling their actions "irresponsible" and "downright stupid."
The Empire is preparing an emergency deployment of forces to Coalition worlds in the event that use of the treatment spreads. Meanwhile, several intergalactic leaders, among them Moff Bhindi Drayson, have called upon the Coalition to cease it's usage of the Panacea treatment "immediatly".
The Coalition has also released a statement, vowing they "will do everything we can to ensure the Empire is satisfied with the Panacea". Doctor Koffman, the Empire's Surgeon General, is not amused, however. "The issue is not simply the current design of Panacea," he said, "but what it is. I cannot condone the fullscale treatment of patients with droids as a cure-all for any and all illness. The Coalition does not realize that this project does not and cannot work."
The Empire will continue to conduct its own tests of Panacea. Full reports will be made available through the Department of Health Sciences.
-Imperial News Service (INS)
Posted On:
Apr 4 2005 10:38am
(Ok, time out for a minute. We'll have to discuss this over AIM. I was near-certain (and still am) that after the roleplay the Panacea was approved. Considering that in the new R&D system you don't need written approvals so I just asked Ahnk over AIM, I am of the opinion it was approved and the details of the RP would thus mean any of your 'health concerns' would have to be propaganda.)
Posted On:
Apr 4 2005 6:32pm
Belgardi Files Lawsuits
Company Cites New Imperial Reports in Briefs
It seems the furor over Project Panacea only continues to grow, and may stay a major issue for sometime to come. Today, paralegals and lawyers representing Belgardi Ltd filed suits in the court systems of the Galactic Empire, Vinda Corporation Space, the Black Tion Cluster, the Galactic Coalition, and Pavo Prime Superior Court. Naming various parts of the GC as the defendants in these suits, each filing has a provision for it to be dropped if an agreement can be reached about a single jurisdiction for a final ruling.
These filings come on the heels of a Coalition statement claiming both that they will not acknowledge the Belgardi patent on technical grounds, and that the Belgardi claim is both monopolistic and "has no substance." Despite the GC's claim that the lawsuit would be dismissed, a Belgardi offical said the company filed in Coalition courts anyway- "because we believe that the GC's judiciary will uphold its responsibility and hear the case, because unlike the executive branch the courts have not discarded the ideals of government which the Coalition so loudly asserts."
The Belgardi brief also make reference to the recent concerns put forth by the Galactic Empire, whose public health system has condemned Panacea, suggesting that Panacea's poor performance could reflect poorly on the companies similiar, but as one Belgardi offical said "much more effective and safe, as well as remarkably more conventional" product, the Eden Full Body Medicinal Treatment. The brief also includes a technical challenge that the Coalition's massive immunization project without providing an alternative option violates it's anti-trust laws and even infringes upon civil rights.
A high ranking Belgardi officer, speaking on the condition of anonimity, had this to say:
"We feel very strongly that we have a decisive case, and the Coalition government knows it as well- which is why they will try to prevent it from being tried in their own court system... we even have some evidence that parts of Eden were illegally reverse-engineered to provide the basis of Panacea, but the job was poorly done...."
It remains to be seen whether or not any court system will hear the case, or even if the Coalition government will abide by any rulings against it. But one thing is certain, one way or the other, we'll be hearing about Project Panacea for some time to come.
-"Special Coverage of the Panacea Problem"
Maximillion Vertigan
Posted On:
Apr 4 2005 6:47pm
Another report today was released from the Coalition, we have it here today:
"Although the Panacea was indeed not as thoroughly tested in its' current form as it was in its' previous forms, the data should reveal the fact that the main difference and problem between the previous Panaceas and the current one was resolved, and since most of the data we needed was already collected from previous tests it was decided that only the new functions required testing once the new version was created. However, this is an easy mistake to make for those who were not present at the time of the research, and perhaps not properly conveyed by the data. Coalition doctors and researchers who worked on Panacea are eager to meet with Imperial counterparts in an effort to help them better understand the details of the Panacea.
"The fact that the Prime Minister was willing to take the risk of being the first patient, to show he would not jeprodize any other member of the Coalition before himself in such a serious matter, was his choice to make. This too is the sort of detail that was left out of the data, and thus more fleshing out may be required, which the Coalition would be glad to offer.
"We would also like to say that as of now, the only intergalactic government to protest the Panacea is the Empire, and even then condemnation from the highest sources has yet to come. The calls for the need to militarily intervene are probably grossly exagerated, and we have chosen to dismiss them at this time as merely anxious people who misunderstand our intent.
"As it was previously made clear, the Panacea is voluntary, and regular doctoring and medical services will remain open and available to all. There is a fact sheet and a fairly strong PR campaign still in effect to better inform the citizens of the Coalition before they make their decision. Those conditions which Panacea does not cure - such as genetic problems, physical problems, or injuries - will be easier to focus on now that pressure has been relieved eslewhere. No rights are being breached, and there has yet to be any signs of problems or complaints from within the Coalition, considering it is they who have been under the effects of the Panacea for longest so far.
"We wish to better aide the people of the galaxy, and as such we are still committed to convincing the government as soon as possible that this process is safe. Today alone, there were easily thousands of deaths across the massive population of the Empire that could have been saved by Panacea, and every day wasted is another number of unnecessary deaths.
"As for the Belgardi case, we wish to reaffirm our stance that acting for the public good is infinitely more important then any other element of the Coalition's law or government. The Panacea is such a massive revolution in the nature of health-care that it is seen as an issue of public good and is thus neither intellectual property nor copyrighted, any more then you could copyright universal healthcare and sue governments for implementing similar government programs.
"Considering the current state of political affairs, as well, we do not wish to address the Belgardi Corporation at this time. The Judiciary branch is obliged to hear the case, and is then near-certain to dismiss it, as it does not fit properly with any part of Coalition Legal Code.
"These are the only statements we have to make at this time, the Coalition is establishing a Panacea Information and Contact Center, where those with problems with the Panacea, or the desire for more information may call and leave detailed information, to ensure any problems that do occur are dealt with. Thank you."
It appears that several smaller governments around the galaxy are beginning tentative testing of the Panacea, and are finding similar results of success. The scientific communities across the galaxy - with the noticeable exception of those under control of the Empire - have yet to find any major problem with Panacea at this time. Many are starting to wonder and speculate as to the factual support the Empire can bring to the table, as the Coalition has so far been very forthcoming, releasing massive volumes of information that seem to come together quite nicely. Independant states have been siding with the Coalition, it seems, as the tightly government controlled scientific community of the Empire is not seen as trustworthy, mainly thanks to a very subtle 'campaign of comments' from people from across the scientific landscape of the galaxy.
The Belgardi case has also raised a few eyebrows, due to recent rumours of Belgardi being threatened by break-ins and other suspicious activity. It is unknown if there is any connection at this time. The Coalition has apparently allowed the case to be heard in their boarders, and is expected to throw it out immeadietly.
Posted On:
Apr 20 2005 11:37am
Imperials Silent
The Empire, once so vocal in its' protests over Panacea, has fallen silent. With no response to recent reports and efforts by the Coalition to promote the Panacea and ensure a feeling of security with its' use, more and more smaller nations and races are adopting its' use.
As the Coalition is offering to vaccinate entire populations, even for free in the case of poorer nations, reports of massive upswings in public health throughout such regions have been making headlines.
Belgardi, as well, appears to have been throwing empty threats about legal efforts. No cases have been seen before a Coalition court, despite the fact that cases were filed, as Belgardi has yet to set a court date or even appear at a legal council to discuss the particulars of the cases yet.
The scientific community is increasingly siding with the Coalition as test after test was submitted and passed. These tests the Coalition are publishing in full, along with instructions so that local medical experts can recreate them to assure themselves of the validity of said tests. Such an information campaign would be difficult to organize without the avid patronage of the Coalition's Minister of Ethics, Viryn Quell. Mr. Quell declined an interview, but has stated that he sees the Imperial stance as deplorable:
"What the [deleted] do they think they're doing? This is a [deleted] breakthrough in medical science, and they're not even going to [deleted] TRY and use it? Well they can go [deleted] themselves, this is just a blatent, obvious abuse of power on their part, and unless the people are being kept deaf, dumb, and blind to it, there's no way they should get away with this sort of thing. I'm going to see all this information gets out to the people, and then we'll see how they take knowing the government has the option to cure them of, say, cancers, infections, and most kinds of diseases and viruses."
He continued on for some time, but his language was such that we cannot print it, as deleting expletives would have made it illedgible.
More on this story as it progresses.