The murmuring died down as she entered the audience chamber, the mass of reporters and news droids instantly quieting as the young and attractive Imperial officer walked onto the podium and took her position behind the microphone stand. The letters “TNO” were engraved into the steel stand, and the emblem of that selfsame Empire stood out in bold silver from the black wall behind her.
Casting one glance around the room (which was packed past its maximum occupancy, with still more reporters in the hall jostling and shouting to get an angle) she cleared her throat. The lights were harsh and unforgiving, but it was a position that Admiral Bhindi Drayson had held to many times to count. She was used to it.
At her silent command, the house lights fell, and the only source of illumination were the spotlights trained on the platform.
“I have two things to say.” She said, knowing that every word was being recorded and instantly transmitted to a thousand different locations, for dispersal to hundreds of millions of beings as she could speak it. “First, that the reports of a new peace between the New Order and the Galactic Coalition are true.”
There was a muted murmur, and a scattering of applause for that announcement.
“After several hours of intense negotiations between leading forces of the Coalition fleet and Admiral Chandler of the Imperial Navy, the Coalition forces have agreed to end all hostilities against the Empire.
“The Coalition has also agreed to reimburse the Empire for damages sustained to our worlds during the war, and Imperial forces will be taking control of certain Coalition assets to ensure they cannot against be used to attack the New Order.”
The cheer was unrestrained at this announcement, and Bhindi let the applause continue for a moment before she motioned for quiet.
“However. Recent intelligence tells us that the Coalition was not the ringleader of the attacks against the New Order. President Griff, the presiding dictator of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty, continues to ignore peace efforts and assault and ravage our worlds.
“Recently, after a lengthy ground campaign, the world of Abregado-Rae fell to the Sovereignty’s Ralen M’vere. M’vere willingly bombarded the surface of the planet of the planet from orbit, causing the deaths of thousands of citizens of that world. In the thirteen days the Empire held Abregado-Rae, her citizens reported a massive advance in local infrastructure, politics, and defence.
“The Outer-Rim Sovereignty has brutalized our citizens and mercilessly assaulted our worlds. For these actions, President Griff is now deemed an Enemy of the State and a Criminal of War within the Empire, and if captured will face charges for genocide, illegal possession of weapons, illegal invasion of neighbours, and a host of other charges officially laid by the Department of Justice.
“To the Sovereignty, I say this: you are our prime enemy now. Hear our demands, or suffer the consequences. In thirty-six hours, Imperial warships will be launching against Sovereignty holdings along the Ison Corridor. If the Sovereignty has not yielded to our peace by then, Imperial forces will be instructed not to accept surrender.”
Without another word, Bhindi turned and swept out of the room, the house lights rising to light the way out of the building.
ORS President stands firm against Imperial aggression, dismisses blatent threats
President Griff sits at his desk on the world of Bakura, facing the holocameras
"My first comments will be directed toward the peace aggreement between the Coalition and the Empire. Firstly, I have been aware of the peace agreement for some time now, and I encouraged my Coalition counterparts in their peace initiatives. I will say I am pleased that they have concluded peace talks, although I do condemn their giving any kind of 'reimbursement' to the Empire.
"The Empire paid no such tribute when they took the Coalition world of Kamino by force. The Coalition owed the Empire nothing, but they gave it anyway in the face of Imperial intimidation. The Sovereignty considers the Coalition it's closest friend and our vessels will be wary of further Imperial expansion into Coalition territory."
Griff paused for a moment, before continuing.
"Bhindi Drayson, my first comment goes to you. You were beaten at Abregado, and will be defeated at each and every encounter with Sovereignty forces. The people who were killed at Abregado-rae were forced to do so, by... why you I believe. Do not try and rest blame on the Sovereignty where it rests squarely on your shoulders.
"To The Empire: We do not hear your threats, and we will never kneel to your demands. I will tell you that I am proud to stand up against you, as so many have before me. You are my prime enemy.
"But we all know what war brings in this galaxy. As we all have experienced it in the past. Know that I am willing to negotiate a cease-fire, but we will give anything to you. If you want peace, you can have it, if you want war, you can have that too.
"The next move is yours. I hope that you choose wisely."
With that, Griff stands, and exits the camera frame.
Coalition officials find Drayson to be slightly boring newscaster
When asked for a quote about the newly formed peace and the reports from the Empire about the evils of President Griff, who remains a coalition ally, officials had this to say:
And there you have it, from the ass's - er, I mean horse's mouth.
The Empire did not also come crawling afterwards to the Coalition, begging for peace in a war they started.
The Sovereignty is the side asking for peace; yet they are not willing to pay for it. Curious. I suppose "peace" isn't what President Griff wants after all -- only a chance to make off unscathed.
I am quite certain we will.
(Presented courtesy of the IMPERIAL NEWS SERVICE on behalf of the Bastion Conclave.)
<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>"Bhindi Drayson, my first comment goes to you. You were beaten at Abregado, and will be defeated at each and every encounter with Sovereignty forces. The people who were killed at Abregado-rae were forced to do so, by... why you I believe. Do not try and rest blame on the Sovereignty where it rests squarely on your shoulders.<hr></blockquote>
Oh, yes. I'd forgotten about the part where I infiltrated the Sovereignty's ships, put a blaster to Admiral Mever's head, and forced him to fire on the cities of Abregado-Rae.
As with the tragedies at Bespin and Taloraan, the ORS proves that it has no regard for sapient life other than their own. And, as with those tragedies, they prove that even when it is clear they are responsible, they can attempt to deny the truth.
It is a good thing, I think, that the majority of the inhabitants of this galaxy are not so foolish as to believe President Griff.
<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>"But we all know what war brings in this galaxy. As we all have experienced it in the past. Know that I am willing to negotiate a cease-fire, but we will give anything to you. If you want peace, you can have it, if you want war, you can have that too.<hr></blockquote>
Kinda ruins the moment when you say somethinh like "I am proud to stand up against you... You are my prime enemy." just before talking about peace, doesn't it?
Your idea of "peace", Mr. President, is to take that which you have stolen from the Empire, ignore the billions of credits of damage you caused, and continue to blame the deaths you caused on the Empire.
These are not terms of peace. This is a schoolyard child being hit in the head with his own ball, and taking it and going home because of it. Except that in his pocket is all the money that he was holding for the bets on the game.
It is a rediculous notion to believe that a war criminal will escape justice. The Coalition has paid their dues, and has been spared. The ORS has two choices.
One of the most remarkable qualities of Ms. Drayson is her complete and utter lack of any morals or humanity. Most people would feel sick and wouldn't be able to perpetrate lies about heinous crimes killing millions that were perpetrated by herself and her colleagues. But then again qualities such as these or the lack of, have long been integral to the character of Imperial Officials.
The Sovereignty wishes peace. We want it for our citizens because unlike the rulers of the Empire we are not dictators and despots. We are the leaders of the people and answer to them not to our fancies. The fact that the leaders of the empire don't wish peace is hardly surprising though I find it saddening.
I've studied history and revolution is rarely the answer. In this case it appears to be the only method that the oppressed people of the empire have available to escape from under the iron heel of their dictators.
I find the statements of the Vice-President of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty ironic, if nothing else. Yes, most people would be sickened at the thought of slaughtering thousands and lying about it afterwards... evidently, the leaders of the ORS are not among those numbers.
Let me make this blatantly clear: The ORS destroyed Cloud City. The ORS destroyed Taloraan City. The ORS fired into civilian population centres on Abregado-Rae. And now they try and lay the blame on the Empire.
I am as disgusted with this tryanny and lying as the rest of the galaxy.
The Empire stands for peace and justice. This is established in the Imperial Constitution. The New Order uses armed force only when no other alternative is available.
Yes, the Empire wishes for peace. But not at the expense of the lives of our people. We will not simply back down and allow the tryannic forces of the so-called Sovereignty to desecrate our worlds and our citizens.
The ORS began this war with their invasion on Bespin and Taloraan. Now they claim to want peace - yet they offer no recompensation for the damages they have done. They wish simply to keep the territory they have stolen and go back to a state of peace.
This is as unacceptable to the Empire as it is to the rest of the galaxy. That criminals should be allowed to get away with such crimes under guise of wanting peace, under the cover of being the "good guys", is rediculous.
The Empire will not bend to the demands of terrorists. If the Outer-Rim Sovereignty refuses to meet the demands of the Empire to establish a peace, then they do not wish for peace at all.
They simply want an assurance that they will not be punished for their crimes.
We have secured another interview with a top Coalition official, when his speeder broke down and crashed into our building. While the rescue crews were cutting him out of the wall, we were able to record the following statement:
Office of The Enclave Responds to Claim that Bhindi Drayson is "Boring" Speaking up against Galactic Coalition Slander
A former Grand General in The Imperial Enclave, a group of Elite Ground troopers famous for their involvement during the Imperial war with the Rogue Empire, who spoke on the condition of anounyminity, decried accusations by the Galactic Coalition that reports from the office of Bhindi Drayson were "boring".
"Boring? Are they high?" he asked, clearly insulted as a member of the Empire. "Wait, of course they are. These are the same people who went to cival war over ketchup and blamed the galactic war over a cameraman. Simply put, there is not an ounce of credibility where the Galactic Coalition is concerned.
The retired General continued, saying, "Bhindi Drayson is highly intelligent, and I find all her reports, and statements, wether written and delivered by her personally or by those in her employ, to be informative, as well as entertaining. Ms. Drayson clearly has a flare for the dramatic, while not going over the top and being completely focused on entertainment. It is a fair and balanced approach that I find, in this era of doubletalk and hate speech, to be enlightening."
The General ended the discussion, and went back to shining Chau Ming's shoes.
The government of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty will not meet the terms stated by Ms. Drayson. A number of her charges including that of possession of illegal weapons are simply ludicrous. If anybody is possessing illegal weapons it is the Empire with their Eclipse Star Destroyer.
But of course that's a weapon of peace. I mean superlasers are such constructive tools. I'm sure that you will use it to rebuild a galaxy ravaged by Imperial aggression. But then again the Imperial view of peace has never been anything more than forcing sentient beings into submission through use of fear.