Ketchup is a vegetable.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 5 2004 2:11am
...Which proves that the knife was indeed the murder weapon.

In other news, a recent research recently released to the public after extensive testing by the Regrad adminstration (whatever that is) has confirmed confused viewers all across the galaxy that indeed, Ketchup is a vegetable. A scientist was quoted as saying:

"It must be a vegetable. Look at it, name one fruit that's tomatoe-like."

The scientific community, baffled at this report, were told to, and this is an exact quote "Shove it" because the scientists at VeggyProduce limited have done a lot more important research things then these nay-sayers into tomatoes.

The Tomatoes Veggitaticus, a title conferred upon it by the Smartypants race of splattigon five, is found throughout the Galaxy. This precedent-setting ruling will affect people throughout the galaxy because suddenly their vegetable-soup will be incomplete without a few tomatoes thrown in. The news caused riots in super-markets and horrible plunges on the stock market.

This ground-breaking news has set the foundations for future reports, perhaps into the possibility of an apple-tomatoes freak-crossbred thing, which our concept-artists believe would look something like this:

(Imagine a picture of a giant, man-eating tomatoe here)

Shocking, absoloutly shocking. And now for sports.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Feb 5 2004 2:59pm
The sith gazed, wide-eyed and open-mouthed before launching a successive volley of tomatoes at his Holoset in obvious disgust.

Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 5 2004 6:29pm
"No wonder we won the war." said the Imperial General before switching the channel.