IMPERIAL CENTER - In what is by far the most important announcement to date, thousands are tuning into specified holonet frequencies to witness the first speech of Emperor Daemon Hyfe as he addresses the Empire at large.
The exact content of his speech has left many burning with curiosity and opinions abounding. Already, citizens have seen drastic changes within the organizational infrastructure of the Empire. In an interview with various reporters, Simon Kaine, Commander of the Imperial Armed Forces outlined several programs designed to promote a secure and orderly state.
With the Jedi Corps a new legal entity within the Empire, and with the revitalizing of Civil and Health programs, it seems all the tools are in place for Emperor Hyfe's reign to be long and quite successful.
The Protectorate and Regional Governors from all areas of the Empire are expected to be in attendance. Already reports of Grand Moff Bhindi Drayson's Black Fleet arriving are lighting up the holonets and the masses can't way to catch a glimpse of the heroes of the Empire!
Even the famed Lupercus Darksword, Governor of the Corellian Diktat, is expected to arrive some time in the evening along with Governor Kraken from the Mid Rim and a newly promoted Telan Desaria, representing the Royal Imperial Guard and Coruscant aristocracy.
The goodwill from outlying nations outside the Empire is expected. Anything less could be perceived as an insult to the Emperor and the Imperial citizenry.
Emperor Hyfe will take his well deserved place beside the late-Emperor Palpatine in the minds and hearts of the people.
Gloria Imperium!