Hard Talk - With Victor Barell
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2002 7:24pm
Welcome to VNN's Hard talk, I'm Victor Barell...

Today we talk in depth to Lady Montague, who is here with us live via Holo-feed ,to discuss and address certain allegations and accusations that have been said of her.

*Victor turns to face the screen, in which Montague is facing back...*

Victor Barell: Welcome to VNN, and Hard-Talk, Ms Montague, or is it Mrs?

Lady Montague The First: You'll call me by my proper title. Lady Montague the First.

Victor Barell:
my apologies

Victor Barell:
Welcome, Lady Montague the first

Victor Barell:
you have expressed an interest in speaking with us today, can I ask why?

Lady Montague The First: Dispellation of abhorrent lies spewn by dictatorous liars.

Victor Barell: abhorrent lies?, that sounds like a serious Allegation

Victor Barell:
whom is the Dictatorous liar?

Lady Montague The First:
In this galaxy there are many.

Lady Montague The First:
The worst of them all is Chaddwick Fearsons.

Victor Barell:
do you have someone in mind

Victor Barell:
I see

Victor Barell:
we had Mr Fearsons speak to us live just yesterday actually

Victor Barell:
can I ask what you find so abhorrant about him?

Lady Montague The First:
That you would stoop so low shows how the once-mighty Vinda has fallen.

Victor Barell:
we have to acknowledge both sides of the arguement

Victor Barell:
you claim Mr Fearsons is a Dictatorous liar, is this your personal opinion of him?

Lady Montague The First:
He tells of our killing our own civilians at Jaminere. Why? To spare them the horrors of serving in his brothels?

Victor Barell:
ah yes, he did discuss that with us

Lady Montague The First:
Oh no, Chaddwick Fearsons killed the citizens of Jaminere
because they didn't like him.

Victor Barell:

Victor Barell:
is that a substaniated claim?

Lady Montague The First:
The cities of the Rogue Shamble are dirty and greedy, seedy pits of the lowest filth the galaxy has seen.

Lady Montague The First:
Unless you have seen his armies.

Victor Barell:
you have evidence of these, Brothels?

Lady Montague The First:
Which are filled with men who bathe in worse filth everyday.

Lady Montague The First:
I have been to Chandrilla, seen the sad state of the Capital world.

Lady Montague The First:
Go to Chandrilla and open a wallet, a prostitute will entwine your leg in an implying grip.

Lady Montague The First:
You will smell liquor and urine.

Lady Montague The First:
Someone will, tie off your arm.

Lady Montague The First:
And all the while a man walks down the street, singing "Praise the Emperor."

Victor Barell:
I see so you do not feel like Mr Fearson's, for want of a better term, Crusade is benefitting this galaxy?

Lady Montague The First:
There is a better term for Chadd Fearsons. Dead. Unfortunatly at resent it does not apply, but rest in piece tonight, I work to change that.

Victor Barell:
going back to Jaminere

Victor Barell:
Mr Fearsons stated to us that (and I quote)

Lady Montague The First:
Even as we watch Chandrilla slip into riot, he spews propoganda of how glorious his Empire is.

Victor Barell:
"When the Rogue Imperial presence left Jaminere, I left a pair of Victory-Class Star Destroyers to monitor the situation and liberate the planet"

Victor Barell:
it seems in his eyes he was liberating Jaminere

Victor Barell:
how do you feel about that?

Victor Barell:
he also goes on to say , that the Presence of the Sith were involved....care to comment on this?

Victor Barell:
and it was them who unleashed a deadly plague

Lady Montague The First:
Liberating. From a peaceful life of farming, fishing, reading, and bountiful sex. The people of Jaminere were happy... the technology harmful to them was removed... a shield generator taken and moved to our world of Hoth, to protect facilities there. They were simple folk... and in turn we let them be simple folk. The last time I went to Jaminere was two weeks after the attack. And before, three years. No Sith has been there in three years.

Lady Montague The First:
I make no lies of our actions... the Sith butcher and murder civilians. But not ones we swear to protect. Only those who defiantly stand in our way, and hurl rocks against our massive battlements.

Victor Barell:
can you confirm that a deadly plague was indeed used against your citizens?

Lady Montague The First:
A deadly plague was unleashed on my citizens. That plague was not a biological contaminent, but instead was a plague that requires them to, for the remainder of their lives, "Deeper, Emperor? Faster, Emperor? Are you close to coming?"

Victor Barell:
I see, Mr fearsons claims that billions died this way, can you confirm exact figures?

Lady Montague The First:
The entire human population is dead. Since no Sith have been on Jaminere in years, I must estimate based on population graph. Approximatly 3.7 billion would have lived in cities, with myriad towns unnacounted for.

Victor Barell:
and ultimately who, in your opinion is responsible for this heinous act?

Lady Montague The First:
Exar Kun.

Victor Barell:
a Sith?

Lady Montague The First:
When Exar Kun began the Sith Brotherhood, an order I once served under, he created the darkness that now taints Chadd Fearsons heart.

Lady Montague The First:
Chadd Fearsons is bitter.

Lady Montague The First:
And so he attacks those who will fall under him.

Victor Barell:
I see, interesting...

Lady Montague The First:
He strikes at farmers with an Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer.

Victor Barell:
just to clarify, who actually did release the this plague?

Lady Montague The First:
I'm not sure what killed the people of Jaminere, be it plague or sword. Only Fearsons can tell you that, for he was there.

Victor Barell:
aha.. So in a way Mr Fearsons was correct about the Sith

Lady Montague The First:
Fearsons lies about everything, to varying degrees. About the Sith his lies are greivous and erronous.

Victor Barell:
are you a Sith Lady Montague?

Lady Montague The First:

Victor Barell:
*looks down at some notes *

Victor Barell:
Mr fearsons has quite a list of Bounties posted, on which you feature quite high up, care to comment on this?

Lady Montague The First:

Lady Montague The First:
A lot of people would pay large sums of money for me. He's the only one wanting me dead.

Victor Barell:
I take it you do not take this seriously?

Lady Montague The First:
Send your bounty hunters. But I won't return them.

Victor Barell:
what do you feel about your actual price?

Lady Montague The First:
Not enough. I've been offered more for one night alive.

Victor Barell:
*shifts slightly*

Victor Barell:
I see, we also talked to Darth exceron a few days ago, in which he stated, The New Order was acting without his authority, and seemed to have "gone Rogue", do you have an opinion on this matter?

Lady Montague The First:

Victor Barell: What do you think of The New Order's policies in general ?

Lady Montague The First:
I don't.

Victor Barell:
I see....Mr fearsons himself, to all intent and purposes , declared war on The New Order, even stating when and where in his words when it will take place, live in this very studio, what do you say about this?

Lady Montague The First:
Hit Carida. And watch Chandrilla slip from your grasp.

Victor Barell:
you imply an impending attack?...is this correct?

Lady Montague The First:
No attack is nesscessary. Chandrilla will be in a state of uprising soon.

Victor Barell:
I see, you have evidence of this?

Lady Montague The First:
Chadd has declared a total blackout of news in and out of the planet so he can re-educate his populace and shield them from the truth.

Victor Barell:
ah yes propaganda is a very useful tool... but to what end?

Lady Montague The First:
Brainwashed... no, reprogrammed drones. Nothing of The Rogue Groups population has been washed in some time.

Victor Barell:
I see..

Victor Barell:
well, its been a pleasure speaking with you Lady Montague the first, thank you for time

Victor Barell:
do you have any last comments you would like to add?

Lady Montague The First:
I'm not finished.

Lady Montague The First:
We will finish when I have satisfaction.

Victor Barell:
*looks a little awkward*

Lady Montague The First:
The Rogue Thingy may seem appealing on the outside but like most fetid fruit it's rot is from the inside. Chadd does not have control. The people will always have control, and the more he try to subjegate them, the less loyal they are. His crushing fist pushes them outward, and far from accept his reign, they come to resent it. And he will come to hate the day he fashioned a Bowling Leauge. For when the glorious Golden Empire of Sith ascendant proper, we will make Fearons Rogue Hair Club for Men curse it's own existence.

Lady Montague The First:
Keep your cameras on Chandrilla, Despeyare, Sluis Van, Corellia, Coruscant, Yaga Minor, Hoth, Bespin, Bonadon, Yavin, Asthensia, Talus, Tattooine, Ossus, Xa Fel, and Carida. Soon, they will be very busy indeed.

Lady Montague The First:
You can say your pithy last remarks now.

Victor Barell:
*shifts uneasily in his chair at the mention of Bonadan*

er... quite, thank you for your time, Lady montague..

Lady Montague The First:
Lady Montague the First. Simpleton.

Lady Montague The First:
You can go back to your meandering existence now.

*The transmission is cut before Victor has a chance to say anything to Montague...instead he turns to face the camera...*

Well, thats all we have time for, now,
Thank you for joining us for this week's edition of 'Hard-Talk',
I'm Victor Barell, and you're watching VNN

*End graphics*
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2002 8:43pm
OOC: I just wanted to say I love these things! :) please keep them up hehe