GLF Video Release
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jun 28 2004 3:08am
Brutus Nogoth visage, outfit once again pure black dominated the blaring white room. It was a calling card, a viable means of verifying the authenticiy of the video releases. No one had tried to take credit for GLF actions, or fake a GLF release- but the possibility exsisted. Brutus wanted those watching his tapes to be confident he was speaking when he sent out these releases.


Brutus smiled.

"Recently, the propaganda machines of the opressive governments in this galaxy have been spewing out more and more fodder, hoping that the populace will believe their poorly crafted lies and boasts. I know that the people's of this galaxy are smarter than that- they can't be decieved by the smoke and mirrors tactics you governments like to parade out in front of them.

The Galactic Coalition, a group responsible for the most henious act of violence and death our galaxy has seen- an unprovoked suprise attack on the Galactic Empire, has claimed that recent operations in their space have been aimed at civillians, those whom we seak to liberate. This is an unabashed lie- something Coalition officals must have some practice at doing, for it seems to be the only area of government at which they can perform competently. All the strikes on the New Coalition have been aimed at targets which allow that regime to opress its citizens: its warmongering army, government officals and personale and companies who collaboate with the government. Civillian causilites have been non exsistant, and any claim to the contrary is a nothing but deceptive propaganda.

The Galactic Empire, the galaxies worst offender of opressive acts has also attempted to shield is citizens from the truth, making the absurd claim that Even as this report is being relayed, thousands of those in the employ of the so-called Galactic Liberation Front are being taken into custody. Already petitions from many of the Empire's citizens are clamoring for quick executions as the stench that was GLF is quickly being washed away. The Empire's inablity to protect its facilities and soldiers from liberators has been shown on countless occassions, and it is perposterous to believe that they have foiled any major GLF operations."

*The tape cut to a scene of grainy footage showing a AT-AT collapsing near some Imperial troops, at what appeared to be an Imperial outpost*

Brutus's voice continued on a voiceover.

"This footage is proof of the GLF's sucess in our operations against the Imperial military on Sluis Van. As you can see- i see no sign of any GLF freedom fighters surrendering. The Imperials are trying to divert their populace fromt he facts; their unwieldy autocracy can not effectivly protect their citizens from an attack. If another power choose to strike at the Empire, they could easily slaughter thousands of Sluisi. The most appaling fact is that if such an event occured, the Empire's rulers wouldn't bat an eyelash. THEY CARE NOTHING FOR THEIR CITIZENS!!!"

*The camera returned to Brutus*

"The Empire uses their citizens for their own personal gain- they aren't people to them- they are numbers, a statistic! That, my friends is why the the GLF fights everyday for the peoples of the galaxy! Because they deserve the right to have rulers of their own choice; local rulers who care about their own affairs. Not faceless generals lording over the galaxy from a isolated palace on Coruscant."

Brutus had been quite forceful with that delivery- smaking his fist into his palm for emphasis. He seem to exude an aura of fury over the offenses he was discussing. He took a moment, and returned to his earlier tone.

"The Galactic Coalition, in its most recent proaganda peice, sent out a personal appeal to me- an appeal to discuss why the GLF is targeting that government, and list demands. I though such ideas would be simple, but it seems Coaltions officals are so out of touch with reality they don't understand why they have been targetted. I trust the citizens of the Coalition know that their governments reckless interferance in matters that do not concearn them is the reason they have been targeted. As for demands..."

*The camera zoomed in on Brutus's face*

"The Galactic Coalition must cease all hostile activities that are not internal or domestic affairs. Any operations involving military, or intelligence pesons or material must cease and the Coalition must publicly acknowlegde every on of these operatons, and issues apolgies. The Coalition must also hold referendum on each and every planet currently under NGC control, to see if the citizens of th planet wish to continue to remain in the Coalition. These referendum must be overseen by a neutral organization and must be held immediatly to prevent subversion or coercsion of the planetary populaces."

*The camera zoomed out slightly*

"If the Coalition is truely the democratic government they claim to be, such referendum will be put in place quickly. I however, have a feeling that Coalition officals, knowing their personal empire will collapse like a house of cards if the people are allowed to express their true will, will never allow such an expression to occur."

*The camera zoomed out fully. Brutus smiled very friendly.*

"I say that if that if the Coalition, and other governments, won't allow the people to express their will peacfully.... well.. then the GLF will allow the people to express their will in another way."

*Brutus face hardened*

"Either way on thing is certian."

*The camera began its characteristic zooming toward Brutus' eye.*



Posts: 17
  • Posted On: Jun 28 2004 4:38am
(Imperial Interior Holonet Broadcast)

[FONT=Garamond]Can a fake Brutus Nogoth breath new life into a dead organization?[/FONT]

What is now nothing more than a mere intellectual curiosity, it seems some splinter group lacking the funding and tact that so set the old GLF apart has crept up.

Of course this is nothing surprising as many once widely known organizations such as the acclaimed Jedi Order too splintered into several smaller sects. Shadow Jedi, Dark Jedi, Rogue Jedi and the like. So too, those embers of the New Republic that simply refuse to die are what keep our military ever vigilant in the fight for peace and order throughout the galaxy.

Is it any wonder then that an organization bent on blowing things up and generally scaring the heebeejeevees out of the good citizens of the galaxy also boasts it's own little splinter cells after death?

Opinion has it that this little group won't last. Gone is the articulate and calm of Brutus Nogoth that once graced our spaceways.

Whoever this raging fool on the video is is anyone's guess.

They got Brutus' look down pat. But, sadly, not his winning personality. Even the eye looks fake.

The poor terrorist must be rolling in his grave (well, we can hope).

A word to the wise, leave the unconvincing indignation and fake video footage to amateurs and go home little spout. They can make much better forgeries.

Change has already come and gone. You missed it.

- Editorial by Groder Stu. Spinter cell sect of INS. Or am I?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jul 1 2004 3:15pm
[font=Arial Black]"Bastards"[/font]

[font=Arial Black]Coalition top Intel bod angry at GLF[/font]

Commander Mumphs, head of the CIB, was quoted as saying "That stuck-up Bastard" after watching a video release from the Galactic Liberation Front. After a quick noontime meeting, he has agreed to release a special report, open to the public and the media, where he clearly lays out direct and undeniable evidence of the attrocities of the Galactic Liberation Front.

The first pages includes details of an explosion of a false foodstuffs transport on Honoghr. The transport was believed to be carrying a shipment of foodstuffs to the Noghri, however, as it landed it exploded, killing Soverinty personel and Noghri who had been expecting the food so desperately needed by the small population which remains on the planet. Pictures, autopsy information, and investigation of the explosion and its' cause, along with the identities of those witnesses who agreed to speak publically are all included.

Then follows a report of events on Ison, where terrorists took hostage a vast number of refugees and workers. However, the report does not detail exactly how the terrorists were defeated, merely pointing to intelligence agent stike teams. Picutres show the attacks in progress, the aftermath, and the incidents' address is given, which remains mostly untouched since the incident, even after the handover of power.

Then was a report, pointing to the crashing of a freighter over Nkllon. The freighter, whos remains are currently being kept in a public office of the CIB, was registered as the possession of a particular ore-hauling company, and there follow picutres and reports of sattelites and locals watching the ships' engine explode and the ship crashing on the hot side of the planet. Once again, intel-services intervened and stopped the attack, and once again, information is scant. However, information concerning the ship and the attack is filled out and confirmed intriplicate.

Then followed a shorter report on a huge crop-fire on Garqi. Apparently, there is ample evidence found at an abandoned camp-site to confirm it was GLF agents who started the fire.

Next was a report of riots incited on Anoat. Witnesses have their testimonies written out in full, explaining how the GLF, working with local terrorist sects, caused a deadly riot to break out, especially pointing out how nothing was accomplished except death.

Last, and most terrible, is a report showing that a false transport, loaded with poison, was made to look like a Coalition water transport, which then exploded over the surface of Tammar, causing horrible biological damage. There are heavy details both on the damage, and on the ship, which is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to not belong to the Coalition, namely through up-to-date manifests of ships in the Coalitions' domestic possession, along with financial reports showing no such ship was bought, finally coupled with compelling evidence from Scientific officials certifying the poison used did not come from anywhere in the Coalition.

Commander Mumphs afterwards went on to say "There's the goddamn proof. Now, lets' see some from them proving that we're a bunch of murderous savages, oppressing the people, and denying rights, and perhaps hearing how the murdering of civilians helps their cause."