Freelance transport
  • Posted On: Sep 17 2003 11:12pm
Have you been looking into shipping costs and programs but still had no luck? Looking for reasonable prices and someone who can run anything and everything(except slaved) and can be counted on to do the job right the first time? Then sweetheart, you came to the right woman...

With six years of experience and more then ten years in the field of mechanics,I promise reliable, hassle-free transport of goods garunteed or your money back. No longer will you have to fight with the long, drawn out ordeals that most shipping companies put you through. Stick with me, and you and your employer and/or customer will enjoy a safe, happy, and long relationship.

Charges are as follows:

Weapons; legal: 2 grand per kilo ( .4536 lbs= 1 kilo)
illegal: 3 grand per kilo

Spice: 2500 per kilo

Goods: 1500 per kilo

Base charges:

ORS space: Smuggling- 35 to 50
Transport- 5 to 15
Hutt space: Smuggling- 25 to 30
Transport- 5 to 20
Imperial Space: Smuggling- 30 to 45
Transport- 10 to 20
Hapan space: Smuggling- 10 to 30
Transport- 5 to 15
Regular space: Smuggling- 15 to 25
Transport- 10 to 21

*all prices are in thousands*

For arrangements, please contact me for time/date/place.
- Toran
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 1:51am
Any smugglers caught in Imperial space stand to have their cargoes and ships impounded and face criminal charges.

Have a nice day.

-Imperial Department of Justice
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 2:03am
I'm curious as to why it costs more to smuggle in ORS space but is cheaper to just have regular transports.


Any smugglers caught in Sovereignty space will have their cargoes and ships impounded and face criminal charges.

This has been a public service announcement by the Sovereignty News Network.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 2:11am
maybe its not so good an idea to advertise you ship illegal cargo, even if you do. Just screams "arrest me!"
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 2:41am
From the desk of Theren Gevel:

It has recently come to my attention that advertisements for illegal smuggling have been on the rise.

Due to the ill economic effects smuggling incurs -- including reducing the job market for legitimate, private couriers and labour workers (who can lose jobs because of reduced markets for legal goods, particularly starship parts) -- the Bastion Conclave is sanctioning the creation of the 291st Legion, dedicated especially to enforcing anti-smuggling legislation.

(Brought to you courtesy of the IMPERIAL NEWS SERVICE.)
Posts: 113
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 7:50am
Katie, I have a business proposition for you.
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 7:57am
As do I
Posts: 35
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 8:02am
Arliss Industries could use your expertise.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Sep 18 2003 3:39pm
Arliss? Wow...
  • Posted On: Sep 19 2003 12:21am
Whoa at a time...

Now, first off...What are the propositions....

Second....Arliss industries? Do explain.