Codename: DarkSaber
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2002 12:36pm
Oooh someone's got a big mouth. Good thing the Rogue Empire does not condone to mercenary work.
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2002 1:40pm
Gue, I think it's about time you shut the @#%$ up.

Throwbacks to grade 4 playground insults may get you somewhere with the other highschool dropouts taking remedial courses for ninth grade gym class, but here, it just makes us think you're even more retarded than you actually are.

And that's saying something.
Posts: 63
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2002 3:05pm
owch Gash, that hurt me so bad, wait here while I pick up the pieces of my shattered ego...

If I really valued your friggin opinion of me, id listen to you, but until then tell someone who cares
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2002 4:11pm
Hang on, if your ego is well and truly shattered, it will take alot longer than it took for you to pass the 3rd grade...

And i care, and gash just told me, so back off! :p
Posts: 11
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2002 7:26pm

oh well, I think your all weird..but no one cares right? No hard feelings? I don't have any

ah, just mentioning characters I know ya'll have your special, shinny jedis but check out my profile-personal link to see what Gleed is. I kiy you all! lol. I made that site in my spare time (got lots of it, loser)