The room is flooded with the various minor agencies affiliated with INS and people scrambling to find their places as a stern looking Grand Marshall Kaine quickly walked up to a podium placing his gloved hands on either side and spoke into the camera, his voice hard:
"Citizens of the Empire, as most of us are aware, the Galactic Coalition and the Black Dragon Empire signed an accord yesterday at the outset of the Black Dragon Empire's closure of their borders. While on the surface the agreement seems nothing more than a renegotiation of borders, a closer look will reveal a drastic change in foreign policy by the Galactic Coalition.
For far too long, the Empire has been the target of many lies eminating from within the Coalition about supposed oppression by the Imperial Government to it's citizens along with various other forms of propaganda.
To such accusations the Empire has remained silent and patient content in the fact that in the end, the truth does come out and, unfortunately, it has.
As for now, the Empire feels it prudent to bring it's military forces on high alert to protect their interests galaxy-wide."
Before people could start shouting questions, Kaine raised his hand for silence. "Please be aware that, as of now, there has been no provocation against our soveriengty by either the Galactic Coalition or the Black Dragon Empire.
Yesterday, we all received word of the consolidation of their empire and a closure of their borders. However, certain issues that they had publicly stated would happen were irrevocably changed the next day.
The announcement of the closure of the Dragon border came as a surprise though the inevitability of their situation was farely obvious to various Imperial observers. The Dragon's attention to their internal situation is akin to the internal policies regarding the establishment of our New Order. While we recognize that the Dragons must act in the interests of their government, what we have seen with regards to the Galactic Coalition is anything but.
The day after the closure of the Dragon border, the Coalition announced the discarding of their longtime capital Mon Calamari and other systems to the Black Dragon Empire.
While the Empire has no say in the way both governments manage their territorial systems, we can not help but recognize a drastic shift in Coalition policy with the abrupt abandonment of systems that had fought for so long to remain free and sovereign.
It is this shift in policy that has the New Order on high alert. This 'New' Coalition has become unpredictable and the Empire will take measures to ensure that it's citizenry does not suffer for it.
While we embraced High Lord Regrad's philosophy of peace, justice and order throughout the galaxy we cannot help but note that other factions within Regrad's government are selling out the hard work and efforts of their ambassadors.
So the question begs: Will these factions within the Coalition look for hardline tactics with the Empire?"
Kaine's eyes became cold.
"This is your one and only warning. If any militant element within the Coalition government has set their eyes on our star systems and citizens, we will permanently show them the error of their ways.
Until a time as we have met with Coalition leaders and they have assured us that their policy change in no way reflects a beginning of hostilities with the Empire, we are urging any and all of our citizens to keep on the watch for subversive elements within the Empire petitioning people to join the Coalition.
As you can see, with these Accords, the security of the Coalition is not what it seems or presents itself as and if even their capital can be traded like fodder, then what does that mean for each and every planet coming into their sphere?
To those planets fearing Coalition abandonment, fearing for your families futures..."
Kaine's expression softened and a smile formed.
"...and you'd like those futures protected, please contact our Office of Extra-Galactic Affairs and our government will work to ensure that you are not betrayed by yours.
We stand ready to offer protection and I know that High Lord Regrad would agree with me when I say that nothing is more important than your security!"
Kaine removed his hands from the podium. "I will entertain questions at this time."
"Is this a declaration of war against the Coalition?"
"This is a declaration of Intent that we will protect our own. Our stance may seem extreme but a government that almost overnight decides to hand over their citizens and free & sovereign bodies has already committed an extreme act."
"Is this a Dragon plot?"
"The reasons given by Mr. Anre about the state of internal affairs within the Dragon Hegemony corresponds with our analysis of their situation. However, the fact that Mr. Anre in one instant indicates that Tholatin is remaining "under tight lockdown" and, in another, the Dragons are giving it away casts doubt on other statements. Therefore, we are taking nothing for granted with this situation."
"Are we to expect a preemptive strike against the Coalition?"
"I doubt very much that the Coalition is in a position to carry out military operations on us as the loss of their Capital and subsequent systems would have rendered their government a disorganized mess. I also doubt that High Lord Regrad would allow such stupidity to reign in their military officers.
However, if such an instance does happen, we would be looking at a Coalition Civil War and we would be compelled to back the High Lord and destroy the traitorous elements that present a danger to our way of life."
"What can we do?"
"Remain vigilant. Keep in contact with your local Citizen Watch centers. Report any subversive acts to your local authorities. Our recruitment stations for Imperial Service are ready to accept applications day or night."
"Let me conclude by saying that we are not at war but, rather, a heightened state of alert. Military Protocols will remain for all critical areas of our society. We will keep you posted and hopefully, sometime soon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will give us reason to lower our state of readiness.
Thank you.
Gloria Imperium."
"Citizens of the Empire, as most of us are aware, the Galactic Coalition and the Black Dragon Empire signed an accord yesterday at the outset of the Black Dragon Empire's closure of their borders. While on the surface the agreement seems nothing more than a renegotiation of borders, a closer look will reveal a drastic change in foreign policy by the Galactic Coalition.
For far too long, the Empire has been the target of many lies eminating from within the Coalition about supposed oppression by the Imperial Government to it's citizens along with various other forms of propaganda.
To such accusations the Empire has remained silent and patient content in the fact that in the end, the truth does come out and, unfortunately, it has.
As for now, the Empire feels it prudent to bring it's military forces on high alert to protect their interests galaxy-wide."
Before people could start shouting questions, Kaine raised his hand for silence. "Please be aware that, as of now, there has been no provocation against our soveriengty by either the Galactic Coalition or the Black Dragon Empire.
Yesterday, we all received word of the consolidation of their empire and a closure of their borders. However, certain issues that they had publicly stated would happen were irrevocably changed the next day.
The announcement of the closure of the Dragon border came as a surprise though the inevitability of their situation was farely obvious to various Imperial observers. The Dragon's attention to their internal situation is akin to the internal policies regarding the establishment of our New Order. While we recognize that the Dragons must act in the interests of their government, what we have seen with regards to the Galactic Coalition is anything but.
The day after the closure of the Dragon border, the Coalition announced the discarding of their longtime capital Mon Calamari and other systems to the Black Dragon Empire.
While the Empire has no say in the way both governments manage their territorial systems, we can not help but recognize a drastic shift in Coalition policy with the abrupt abandonment of systems that had fought for so long to remain free and sovereign.
It is this shift in policy that has the New Order on high alert. This 'New' Coalition has become unpredictable and the Empire will take measures to ensure that it's citizenry does not suffer for it.
While we embraced High Lord Regrad's philosophy of peace, justice and order throughout the galaxy we cannot help but note that other factions within Regrad's government are selling out the hard work and efforts of their ambassadors.
So the question begs: Will these factions within the Coalition look for hardline tactics with the Empire?"
Kaine's eyes became cold.
"This is your one and only warning. If any militant element within the Coalition government has set their eyes on our star systems and citizens, we will permanently show them the error of their ways.
Until a time as we have met with Coalition leaders and they have assured us that their policy change in no way reflects a beginning of hostilities with the Empire, we are urging any and all of our citizens to keep on the watch for subversive elements within the Empire petitioning people to join the Coalition.
As you can see, with these Accords, the security of the Coalition is not what it seems or presents itself as and if even their capital can be traded like fodder, then what does that mean for each and every planet coming into their sphere?
To those planets fearing Coalition abandonment, fearing for your families futures..."
Kaine's expression softened and a smile formed.
"...and you'd like those futures protected, please contact our Office of Extra-Galactic Affairs and our government will work to ensure that you are not betrayed by yours.
We stand ready to offer protection and I know that High Lord Regrad would agree with me when I say that nothing is more important than your security!"
Kaine removed his hands from the podium. "I will entertain questions at this time."
"Is this a declaration of war against the Coalition?"
"This is a declaration of Intent that we will protect our own. Our stance may seem extreme but a government that almost overnight decides to hand over their citizens and free & sovereign bodies has already committed an extreme act."
"Is this a Dragon plot?"
"The reasons given by Mr. Anre about the state of internal affairs within the Dragon Hegemony corresponds with our analysis of their situation. However, the fact that Mr. Anre in one instant indicates that Tholatin is remaining "under tight lockdown" and, in another, the Dragons are giving it away casts doubt on other statements. Therefore, we are taking nothing for granted with this situation."
"Are we to expect a preemptive strike against the Coalition?"
"I doubt very much that the Coalition is in a position to carry out military operations on us as the loss of their Capital and subsequent systems would have rendered their government a disorganized mess. I also doubt that High Lord Regrad would allow such stupidity to reign in their military officers.
However, if such an instance does happen, we would be looking at a Coalition Civil War and we would be compelled to back the High Lord and destroy the traitorous elements that present a danger to our way of life."
"What can we do?"
"Remain vigilant. Keep in contact with your local Citizen Watch centers. Report any subversive acts to your local authorities. Our recruitment stations for Imperial Service are ready to accept applications day or night."
"Let me conclude by saying that we are not at war but, rather, a heightened state of alert. Military Protocols will remain for all critical areas of our society. We will keep you posted and hopefully, sometime soon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will give us reason to lower our state of readiness.
Thank you.
Gloria Imperium."