<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> ' And now over to our Coruscant corespondent Jaran Gayhard'<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Thanks Generis Studio...today scenes of complete devastation hits the streets as the 1st Coruscant Bank was totally demolished and everyone inside murdered in cold blood.
At this point not many details are known of what happed but approximate 2 hours ago a organization known as the Charubahn Republican Army stormed the primary bank of coruscant with enough weaponry to equipped a small battalion in the NR army, and made away with 200 billion credits in gold bullion. we have little details on the members of this Army but one of them is clearly identified as "Nicoli Zand"...of yet we know little about.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Studio: hom many died?
Live from coruscant: Well at the moment the actual amount of dead in unclear but we say about 25...what happen is the terrorists planted SEMTEX in 13 key locations in the building and detonated it when fully clear from the location..there was about 15-20 men doing this terrible act of crime and all got away an eye witness explains.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> ' well i was outside just walking down the street when all of a sudden about 20 guys stormed out of the banks main plaza doors all dressed in balck military clothing and balaclavas shielding there faces...then a few mins laters the whole building erupted in falims and exploded....'<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
We just cant explain this act Studio...back to you
Studio: Thank you Jara
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Thanks Generis Studio...today scenes of complete devastation hits the streets as the 1st Coruscant Bank was totally demolished and everyone inside murdered in cold blood.
At this point not many details are known of what happed but approximate 2 hours ago a organization known as the Charubahn Republican Army stormed the primary bank of coruscant with enough weaponry to equipped a small battalion in the NR army, and made away with 200 billion credits in gold bullion. we have little details on the members of this Army but one of them is clearly identified as "Nicoli Zand"...of yet we know little about.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Studio: hom many died?
Live from coruscant: Well at the moment the actual amount of dead in unclear but we say about 25...what happen is the terrorists planted SEMTEX in 13 key locations in the building and detonated it when fully clear from the location..there was about 15-20 men doing this terrible act of crime and all got away an eye witness explains.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> ' well i was outside just walking down the street when all of a sudden about 20 guys stormed out of the banks main plaza doors all dressed in balck military clothing and balaclavas shielding there faces...then a few mins laters the whole building erupted in falims and exploded....'<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
We just cant explain this act Studio...back to you
Studio: Thank you Jara