Brought to you by the Imperial News Service
<blockquote>The report was playing on all networks.
“Clearly, these were not accidents, or the vicious actions of one over-zealous commander. Given that two worlds were both independently violated in such a grotesque manner, we can only assume that this terrible protocol of destruction was handed down from the higher rungs of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty government. What sort of galactic power performs such terrible actions? Many fled the failing stations before their fateful, but many did not. Now, two worlds, while mostly unchanged in appearance, lie barren, and two cities are gone from the face of the galaxy forever.”
The video gave way to blackness, and the lights came up on the podium as Admiral Bhindi Drayson stepped forward to speak.
She was dressed in the black and silver of the Ubiqtorate’s Black Fleet, her face calm and expressionless. Just the opposite of the frenzy and excitement overpresent in the crowd of reporters, all scrambling to ask the first question.
“Admiral! Admiral! Do you have anything you’d like to say to the Outer-Rim Sovereignty?”
The Admiral’s eyes narrowed. The tragedy was only hours in the past, but already is had spread across the entirety of the galaxy (or nearly so).
“The ORS has made a grave mistake.” She said coldly. “The New Order will not stand for terrorism within our borders – nor for the slaughter of innocent citizens of the Empire.” She paused. “My heart goes out to all those who have died on Bespin and Taloraan.”
“President Griff has denied the crimes…”
“Of course he has! What kind of ‘President’ would he be if he admitted openly to the destruction of Cloud City and Taloraan City?
But that’s hardly the point of the matter, is it?
Whether or not President Griff admits to the crimes, they still happened! And they happened at the hands of the Outer Rim Sovereignty. Denial means nothing if we all know that it was the ORS who committed these offences!
The President brought up Alderaan. Alderaan, one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Empire.
Alderaan was a mistake. The man who perpetrated the crime is dead (and rightly so). An official and formal apology has been issued to the remaining citizens of that destroyed world.
The Empire never denied Alderaan.
President Griff committed these acts, and now he attempts to cover them with lies. His lies are a dishonour to the memory of those who died at his hands! It is not enough for the Outer Rim Sovereignty to destroy a city, they must then rub the faces of those who died in the mud as they try and avoid the consequences of their actions!”
The room was silent for a moment, save for the humming of recording devices.
“What of the war with the Galactic Coalition?”
“There is no war with the ‘Coalition’.
I want to make this perfectly clear from the beginning: ‘Coalition’ is a name that the terrorists have given themselves to bury their real motives. They image it makes them sound pure and noble.
A state of war cannot exist between the Empire and the terrorists, because it is impossible to declare war on something that is not a government.
A ‘war on terror’ is as ridiculous a name as are President Griff’s claims that the Outer Rim Sovereignty is a neutral party.
But to answer your question… the ‘war’ is just that: war. It is not something that the Empire revels in, nor something that we enjoy partaking in. It is simply a necessary evil. Necessary to cease the actions of terrorist factions like the so-called ‘Coalition’.
“We’ve had reports that the terrorists have been driven back…”
“Yes. The Carida system fell under assault by the forces of the ‘Tholatin Repubic’, and were driven back by the forces of the Black Fleet. Dantooine was also defended, and battles in the Corellian, Mechis, and Bilbringi systems are reported to be going well…”
“What about the group that attack Empress Teta?”
“Farfalen never attacked the Empress Teta system. We are not sure yet of the mission’s intentions, but no shots were fired by either side. We’ve had reports of a terrorist attack on their homeworld driven back, and of a successful raid on the captured world of Kessel…”
“There seems to be some sympathy for the Coalition. Columnists…”
“There is a generated sympathy for the terrorists, certainly. But these so-called ‘unaffiliated writers’ are nothing more than shams, paid to write inspiring things about the terrorists and denounce the Empire.
Notice how each one simply repeats the same points and arguments. I believe they have two, now.
The Empire started this war.
From a certain perspective, perhaps true. But there seems to be an underlying belief that the Galactic Civil War – the war between the New Order and the Rebellion – is ever.
This new brand of terrorist is simply an extension of the Rebel attempt to unseat the Empire. Did you know one of the three founding organizations of the ‘Coalition’ was known as the New Rebellion?
Yes, of course the Empire attacked Mon Calamari and Kamino. Yes, damage was caused to those worlds! But that is the cost of war! The Empire makes every effort to avoid harm to civilians, but we are not perfect!
But better a handful of tragic deaths than millions if the Coalition’s war machines were to be slaughtering with abandon! The assaults on the Mon Calamari Republic were a necessary evil!
The Empire is evil.
Good and Evil.
Both are terms that have no place on a government level. No, the New Order does not consider itself ‘Good’, nor does it consider itself ‘Evil’. Those are religious terms that do not apply to this government.
But evidently, they apply to the leaders of the so-called Coalition!
You see now why the terrorists are so bent on the destruction of the Empire! Insane religious ideals!
This ‘Coalition’ is little more than a cult!
“What about the claims of armed Rebellion on Abregado-rae?”
Since its amalgamation, Abreagado-rae has been a model citizen of the Empire. The garrisons there have reported only two events – both perpetrated by terrorists traced to the ‘Coalition’.
These columnists, ladies and gentlemen, are paid by what they say. Of course they’ll claim resistance movements, rebellions – anything to make a buck!
Look at the holonet for a moment. There are no ‘Unknown Columnists’ writing on behalf of the Empire, because few individuals can afford the fees to post their information in such a public eye.
But those in favour of terror have theirs linked straight from the pieces themselves!
Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, this is the result of government funding! The Empire does not need such petty lies, simply because the Empire’s truths are self-evident.
The Coalition hides behind its ‘correspondents’ and ‘unknown columnists’.
“What about the claims of Imperial forces massacring citizens on Selonia and Rachuk?”
“Unsubstantiated claims. However, the Imperial High Command has authorized an investigation of the events on those planets…”
There were a thousand more questions, but time was already out.
“Thank you.”
The lights fell.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The report was playing on all networks.
“Clearly, these were not accidents, or the vicious actions of one over-zealous commander. Given that two worlds were both independently violated in such a grotesque manner, we can only assume that this terrible protocol of destruction was handed down from the higher rungs of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty government. What sort of galactic power performs such terrible actions? Many fled the failing stations before their fateful, but many did not. Now, two worlds, while mostly unchanged in appearance, lie barren, and two cities are gone from the face of the galaxy forever.”
The video gave way to blackness, and the lights came up on the podium as Admiral Bhindi Drayson stepped forward to speak.
She was dressed in the black and silver of the Ubiqtorate’s Black Fleet, her face calm and expressionless. Just the opposite of the frenzy and excitement overpresent in the crowd of reporters, all scrambling to ask the first question.
“Admiral! Admiral! Do you have anything you’d like to say to the Outer-Rim Sovereignty?”
The Admiral’s eyes narrowed. The tragedy was only hours in the past, but already is had spread across the entirety of the galaxy (or nearly so).
“The ORS has made a grave mistake.” She said coldly. “The New Order will not stand for terrorism within our borders – nor for the slaughter of innocent citizens of the Empire.” She paused. “My heart goes out to all those who have died on Bespin and Taloraan.”
“President Griff has denied the crimes…”
“Of course he has! What kind of ‘President’ would he be if he admitted openly to the destruction of Cloud City and Taloraan City?
But that’s hardly the point of the matter, is it?
Whether or not President Griff admits to the crimes, they still happened! And they happened at the hands of the Outer Rim Sovereignty. Denial means nothing if we all know that it was the ORS who committed these offences!
The President brought up Alderaan. Alderaan, one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Empire.
Alderaan was a mistake. The man who perpetrated the crime is dead (and rightly so). An official and formal apology has been issued to the remaining citizens of that destroyed world.
The Empire never denied Alderaan.
President Griff committed these acts, and now he attempts to cover them with lies. His lies are a dishonour to the memory of those who died at his hands! It is not enough for the Outer Rim Sovereignty to destroy a city, they must then rub the faces of those who died in the mud as they try and avoid the consequences of their actions!”
The room was silent for a moment, save for the humming of recording devices.
“What of the war with the Galactic Coalition?”
“There is no war with the ‘Coalition’.
I want to make this perfectly clear from the beginning: ‘Coalition’ is a name that the terrorists have given themselves to bury their real motives. They image it makes them sound pure and noble.
A state of war cannot exist between the Empire and the terrorists, because it is impossible to declare war on something that is not a government.
A ‘war on terror’ is as ridiculous a name as are President Griff’s claims that the Outer Rim Sovereignty is a neutral party.
But to answer your question… the ‘war’ is just that: war. It is not something that the Empire revels in, nor something that we enjoy partaking in. It is simply a necessary evil. Necessary to cease the actions of terrorist factions like the so-called ‘Coalition’.
“We’ve had reports that the terrorists have been driven back…”
“Yes. The Carida system fell under assault by the forces of the ‘Tholatin Repubic’, and were driven back by the forces of the Black Fleet. Dantooine was also defended, and battles in the Corellian, Mechis, and Bilbringi systems are reported to be going well…”
“What about the group that attack Empress Teta?”
“Farfalen never attacked the Empress Teta system. We are not sure yet of the mission’s intentions, but no shots were fired by either side. We’ve had reports of a terrorist attack on their homeworld driven back, and of a successful raid on the captured world of Kessel…”
“There seems to be some sympathy for the Coalition. Columnists…”
“There is a generated sympathy for the terrorists, certainly. But these so-called ‘unaffiliated writers’ are nothing more than shams, paid to write inspiring things about the terrorists and denounce the Empire.
Notice how each one simply repeats the same points and arguments. I believe they have two, now.
The Empire started this war.
From a certain perspective, perhaps true. But there seems to be an underlying belief that the Galactic Civil War – the war between the New Order and the Rebellion – is ever.
This new brand of terrorist is simply an extension of the Rebel attempt to unseat the Empire. Did you know one of the three founding organizations of the ‘Coalition’ was known as the New Rebellion?
Yes, of course the Empire attacked Mon Calamari and Kamino. Yes, damage was caused to those worlds! But that is the cost of war! The Empire makes every effort to avoid harm to civilians, but we are not perfect!
But better a handful of tragic deaths than millions if the Coalition’s war machines were to be slaughtering with abandon! The assaults on the Mon Calamari Republic were a necessary evil!
The Empire is evil.
Good and Evil.
Both are terms that have no place on a government level. No, the New Order does not consider itself ‘Good’, nor does it consider itself ‘Evil’. Those are religious terms that do not apply to this government.
But evidently, they apply to the leaders of the so-called Coalition!
You see now why the terrorists are so bent on the destruction of the Empire! Insane religious ideals!
This ‘Coalition’ is little more than a cult!
“What about the claims of armed Rebellion on Abregado-rae?”
Since its amalgamation, Abreagado-rae has been a model citizen of the Empire. The garrisons there have reported only two events – both perpetrated by terrorists traced to the ‘Coalition’.
These columnists, ladies and gentlemen, are paid by what they say. Of course they’ll claim resistance movements, rebellions – anything to make a buck!
Look at the holonet for a moment. There are no ‘Unknown Columnists’ writing on behalf of the Empire, because few individuals can afford the fees to post their information in such a public eye.
But those in favour of terror have theirs linked straight from the pieces themselves!
Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, this is the result of government funding! The Empire does not need such petty lies, simply because the Empire’s truths are self-evident.
The Coalition hides behind its ‘correspondents’ and ‘unknown columnists’.
“What about the claims of Imperial forces massacring citizens on Selonia and Rachuk?”
“Unsubstantiated claims. However, the Imperial High Command has authorized an investigation of the events on those planets…”
There were a thousand more questions, but time was already out.
“Thank you.”
The lights fell.</blockquote>