"Back the @#$! down!"
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2004 2:23am
Hello, Ted here at GNN studios. Recent reports confirm that, yes, the newly combined BDE and Farfalen governments are invading both Endor and Admu... Ardy... Ando... That other place.

In response, a coalition official had this to say, between wearily sounding the call-to-arms again and trying to find his pants.

"I mean, come ON, we just got back from a damn war and now what? Another @#$! war, that's what. You know what, I am pissed as hell. If this BDE thing doesn't back the @#$! down we'll be forced to take military action. Hell, we're already taking military action, if they don't back down we won't stop. Here, hold this rope.

Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah. I can officially quote this as an official spoke-guy. We're sending military assistance to Adumar, and perhaps Endor if it's needed, because I think I heard Bill in shipping say they've got bad-guy troubles there too. We'll give whoever we find there a fair chance to hand the planet back to the rightful government guys before we start pushing buttons, and once we're all done with that we'll start with some good old fashioned humanitarien aid.

This is considered BDE's only official warning before military action is taken, and it is also reported that the Coalition will support no invasion INTO BDE, only defensive operations.
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2004 3:07am
The transmission continued for a short time before being interrupted. Subspace nodes were being powered up, overpowering local Holonet transmitters and broadcasting over their own latent transmissions. The GC, for their size, were compariable to an infant in subspace technology.

We'll give whoever we find there a fair chance to hand the plan

The image of the humanoid faded out quickly, his speech taking a few moments more before it too faded into nothing but silence. In its place a slow illumination shown through, not much, but enough to portray a scene.

It had a stone wall, like an ancient Temple, but yet, not. First to come into focus were two ominously large figures, shrouded in complete black, falling over the image like shadows. behind that the shadows pulled back even farther, to show a throne of sorts, upon which sat another completely shadowed figure leaning back into the seat itself. In his hand was a black cane, tipped in gold. There was no manner with which to guage his reactions or his intentions.

"You would put yourself in harms way. You are young still, unknowing and unseeing in the ways of things. Your eyes are closed to the order of the galaxy, but you must be enlightened in these things."

Shifting in the throne he sat straight up against his seat, moving the cane full before him.

"The Galactic Coalition faces a grave mistake in its peoples reasoning, it faces an err'd belief that saving the lives of a set few is whats best for the lives of the greater portion of its peoples."

Leaning forwards, his hands placed coveringly over the top of his golden staff, his face leaning in over it.

"The peoples of the Galactic Coalition must question the authority of its leadership in these matters. Is it to your benifit to risk your lives in order to save the lives of complete strangers? Perhaps the threat of painful biologicial death at the hands of one of the galaxies most detrimental pleagues sits idly in the minds of their leaders, while safe in their hidden locations, while the populations sit unsafely in the line of fire."

Leaning back in the seat, he brings the cane back near his knees, once more.

"Maybe those leaders should weigh the consequences of their threats against the lives of their peoples and all they hold dear instead of attempting to police the galaxy at large with ideals that do not hold true in the real world."

With that the Holonet reverted back to its normal broadcast as the subspace nodes shut back down immediatly.