Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 12:38am
Galactic Coalition Officials Condem Attack On Scientists
In a news conference today, a Galactic Coalition Public Relations Official commented on yesterday's terrorist attack against the Impol.
"Today is a day of mourning. Terrorists have struck where they were least expected. They attacked the scientific vessel Impol, a vessel with no military value. Numerous Galactic Coalition scientists were killed in the assault. Today the entire Galactic Coalition goes into mourning. We mourn for the lives lost, and for the destruction of our image of civilians being safe. We have sent some more scientists to the vessel, along with a Light Cruiser, four Gunships and two squadrons of fighters to protect the vessel. Hopefully this will help stop any future terrorist strikes. We hope that the Anthos Republic will do all within their capabilities to stop any future terrorist strikes. We offer our aid to the Anthos Republic to help get rid of terrorist in their borders and across the galaxy."
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 1:06am
<font size=4>Science station attacked; outcry created
An attack on the station Impol has generated outcry for the attackers... but what of the scientists themselves?</font>
Commentary by Gro Studer, INS
It is truly a tragic day when a terrorist faction goes so far as to target a group of civilians in its efforts to unrest the galaxy. But even more tragic is when this vile act is used as a springboard from which to launch a political career.
Since the attack on the Impol in the Bratax Sector, nearly every major government we know (and some we don't) has released a 'statement' condemning the terrorists who did this.
Vice-President Marth Meer of the Outer-Rim Sovereignity took perhaps thirty seconds out of his busy day to offer some cheap words about the scientists and call it a crime to attack them.
He then went on to complete his opening of a monument for one of the most violent acts in Varonat's history.
Amear Kre'fay of the Combined Bothan Clans told us all that it was an "affront" to galactic unity... and offered to donate a new station for continued research. What better way to work the tragedy into personal gain? Bothan integrity already at work, I see.
And the Coalition offered what was perhaps the most rediculous of claims, that they mourn for the image of their civilians being safe.
Perhaps the Coalition should consider those words before they invite attacks on their terroritory by forces like the Empire.
And the forces the Coalition sends to "defend" the Impol? What better excuse to send a fleet to keep watch on the scientists, than "We're doing it to protect you."
Yeah. Like the Coalition fleet in orbit over Corellia is there to protect me, too, right?
Give me a break.
The attack on Impol is a tragedy, yes. But these things happen. A greater tragedy is that the Coalition has sent tens of thousands to their deaths in fighting the Empire.
But they don't condem themselves for that, do they?
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 3:33am
Taskforce Defense's Response to the INS
"Mr. Gro Studer, my name is Admiral Dan Darmor, in charge of the Galactic Coalition Taskforce Defense. We are the ones sent to the aid of the scientists. I understand that you accuse us of using this as an excuse to watch over the scientists. You are wrong in quite a few ways. We are not very close to Impol, and we have yet to contact them. We are just watching over them, from a slight distance, making sure no more terrorists attack. Also, why would we want to "watch over them", when we can just listen to the Anthos Network News, which provides lots of information on what the scientists are doing. Also, we have our own scientists onboard.
You also accuse every government that has responded thus far of doing it for their own gain. What about your wonderful New Order? Have ANY Imperial officials mentioned anything about this act of terrorism? I didn't think so.
As for the intentions of the Coalition fleet over Corellia, did they not offer a truce to the Imperial fleet? Didn't the Imperials ignore that offer? And has the Coalition ever threatened, harmed, or murdered any civilians since Kamino? No. The Imperials on the other hand have killed numerous people, and have recently assault the world of Diamal. Did the Imperials not bombard the world of Drall just five months before the Coalition assaulted Corellia? Certainly our intentions in the Corellian System are self-explanetory. We are liberating the citizens that have rebelled against the Empire. Wether they join us is up to them, we will liberate them. If they wish us to leave after they are liberated, we will.
The Galactic Coalition Military uses volunteers. Yes, volunteers, if you even know what that word means. We don't force anyone to join our military. Yes the higher ups of the Coalition have ordered the assaults against Corellia, but the members of the military understood the risks they were taking when they joined the military."
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 4:19am
<font size="4">Anthos Republic Release</font>
<font size="3">Anthos Republic declines offer of help, reveals data</font>
"Today in a press statement by Isjhe Kaant, President of the Anthos Republic, the offer of help by the Galactic Coalition and Bothan Clans was graciously declined. To quote the president; "While the offer of help is greatly appreciated, the Anthos Republic will see this scientific mission through to its finally. The Impol, while damaged, is still space-worthy, and has returned to a semblance of its former activity. The military forces we have sent to protect the Bavos station will be sufficient. As the ION storm grows larger and larger, visibility and identification will gradually grow smaller and smaller. As it is right now, unless the guarding forces are highly coordinated an accident may occur that all will regret."
The President also went on to give his condolences to the families of those lost, he listed the names of several known scientists, as well as those of some unknown crewmembers.
Directly after the President's speech, his aid came forward to answer as many questions as possible, as the President was heading out to a Senate vote. A few of the most interesting questions and answers were these."
The screen faded into that of President Kaant's personal aid standing before a podium.
"Could you give us more information on the refusal for aid? Isn't this, after all, an intergalactic effort?"
"It is an intergalactic effort, but it has been primarily funded by Anthos universities, as we ll as the government itself. We feel that we are more than capable of protecting our own space station. There is also the factor to be held into consideration of command differences. As the President mentioned, the storm will continue to grow, reducing visibility in all aspects. Unless all craft in the area are not carefully coordinated, there may be an accident."
"What do you mean by accident, have the Anthos craft been ordered to fire at anything not known to be their own?"
"Pretty much so, it is my understanding that the operations commander will be setting up fleet maneuvers on a daily basis, and any craft found to be outside their pre-designated flightpath will be fired upon."
"Don't you think that's a little rash?"
"It could be. You also have to understand the situation. The Impol registered no craft before it was fired upon, and as you can imagine its scanners are running at maximum capacity to record this storm. We really have no idea how this attack was carried out, making caution the best choice at this time."
"Are you officially saying the attack was carried out by craft capable of cloaking?"
"No comment."
The image flickered a bit, indicating that the tape had been cut here to get to a more relevant question.
"Who, exactly, died in the attack?
"We have confirmed that a little over one hundred people died. Most of them were crewmen working on setting up a new sensor dish. That wing of the station housed the Deamun scientists, as well as a few Galactic Coalition scientists. A Hapan and Dorthalian were also in the wing at the time."
"And all were confirmed dead?"
"Yes. A list of those confirmed dead has been published. One more."
The image flickered a bit, indicating that the tape had been cut here to get to a more relevant question.
"About how the attack was carried out, it has been suggested that the missiles were 'sleeper' missiles, programmed to wait until a predetermined time and then initialize their systems. Any comment on that?"
"I really have no comment on how the attack took place, as of right now we have no hard data concerning this issue. But yes, it could be a possibility. Thank you for your questions."
"As you can see, no comments on how the attack took place are being given. We'll be right back."
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 7:29am
Unforunately for Admiral Domar, the effects of the ION storm effectively meant that his communication made it no more than a hundred meters, never being recieved by anyone but the small terrorist fleet he commanded.
Posted On:
Dec 19 2003 3:55am
Office of the Vice-President of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty
I'd like to thank Mr. Gro Struder for his mindless, insensitive bit of idiocy. I'd like to point out that 30 seconds is far more than any official from The New Order has contributed.
I also have a few questions for Mr. Struder. Where is the Empire? What stake did they have in this research? Does the government you so blindly respect even care for the people who died?
Yes the Vice-President proceeded to commemorate a monument to the people killed in the massacre by the 'Followers of Varan'. Do you know why?
That massacre effected the whole planet. There probably isn't a single person on Varonat who hasn't lost family or friends in that massacre. To the eyes of the people of Varonat, Vice-President Meer's people, the death of a hundred people is inconsequential compared to the thousands who died on Varonat. It wasn't inconsequential to Vice-President Meer as exhibited by his statement to reporters however it was not enough to delay the commemorating of the monument.
Posted On:
Dec 19 2003 8:07am
<font size=4>Vice-President continues blind banter
In a response to an INS report, Marth Meer continues to miss the point - entirely</font>
Commentary by Gro Studer
I've said it before, but this makes it all to apparent. The terrorists never get the point. And they never stop trying to convince people they do get it.
I will try and make this very clear for Mister Meer, for it is obvious he cannot grasp complicated principles such as politics.
Yes, Mister Meer, the Empire cares about the losses incurred during the attack on the Impol. Yes, Mister Meer, the Empire respects those who lost their lives so tragically.
But unlike the Outer-Rim Sovereignity, the Empire does not have the need to blast their messages of sadness out across the holonet in giant red letters!
This is a terrorist attack, and terrorists revel in being denounced, in being attacked verbally. It drives them, it brings them attention.
The Empire seaks to discourage terrorism, not to amplify its effects. So while you, Mister Meer, can rattle your saber and beat your chest while calling for the attackers to be rounded up and burned at the stake (while taking no real action to do so, instead occupying yourself invading sovereign Imperial worlds and slaughtering citizens of the Empire), the New Order can act.
Good night to you, Mister Meer.
Let us hope your primitive mind understands a little better.
Posted On:
Dec 21 2003 1:08am
From the Office of the Vice-President of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty
The Outer-Rim Sovereignty respects the right to free speech. That includes the ability of a news company to broadcast articles. I was asked a question and I responded. I didn't go looking to "rattle my sabre" I answered a question truthfully.