An excerpt from Commonwealth Trade Journal
Posts: 20
  • Posted On: Aug 1 2006 2:14pm
CTI, going places…

A new company has appeared on the scene, the galactic scene that is. What started out as small broker firm, working out of a cramped boardroom, is making profit margins way in the black for the second straight quarter. But other than that sure-fire money making stock my broker told me build my portfolio on, what is CTI?

First of all CTI is an acronym for Commonwealth Technologies and Industries. A direct competitor for the Vinda Corporation, the company has fought its way into many coveted industries. Captained by Killian Holmes and Sol Nyhammer and with plants and refineries on Brosi and Thosa along with sales offices all over the galaxy, CTI is flooding the market with all new products.

The company’s current headquarters is on the former backwater planet of the Brosi. Since the arrival of CTI, the planet has had a complete turn around. The capital, Mandor, has been retooled for weapons manufacture, construction of ships of all types, pharmaceutical production and medical research. Also production of the precious bacta is now in full swing. A few million miles away on Thosa, precious ores are being mined. After acquiring the planet from the Thosa Mining Corporation, quotas have increased ten fold due to increased moral among the miners.

Commonwealth Technologies and Industries is quickly turning the Dostra System of the Thandon Cluster into the new industrial heartland of the Commonwealth, but we at the Commonwealth Trade Journal are pretty sure they will not be stopping there. With plans to assist in the clean up of Tholatin, this company seems to be going only one direction and that is up.

Killian Holmes and Sol Nyhammer were unavailable for interview for this article due to the recent outbreak in the Meridian and Antemeridian Sectors. The two men along with a whole host of CTI employees are currently in route to investigate.