Supreme Commander Dxun Isstal steps up to the podium, a look of great sadness on his face. With a deep sigh, he clears his throat and begins...
"Mere hours ago, the Galactic Defence Initiative signed a peace treaty with the Jutraalian Empire, encompassing a cease fire between our respective factions and an end to this bitter war between us.
"Tonight, it is with great regret that I inform you that the Jutraalian Empire has not honoured this agreement, and that Jutraalian troops on Sluis Van are in a state of uprising.
"Already hundreds of our soldiers have been killed by the traitor Jutraalians. And so it is, with the greatest regret, that I declare a treaty broken, and once more we are in a state of war with the Jutraalian Empire.
"May the gods have mercy on us all."
"Mere hours ago, the Galactic Defence Initiative signed a peace treaty with the Jutraalian Empire, encompassing a cease fire between our respective factions and an end to this bitter war between us.
"Tonight, it is with great regret that I inform you that the Jutraalian Empire has not honoured this agreement, and that Jutraalian troops on Sluis Van are in a state of uprising.
"Already hundreds of our soldiers have been killed by the traitor Jutraalians. And so it is, with the greatest regret, that I declare a treaty broken, and once more we are in a state of war with the Jutraalian Empire.
"May the gods have mercy on us all."