A New Kind of War...
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Oct 22 2002 5:19am

Are you incapable of realizing that the things I am saying in this thread are OOC?

It appears that you are trying to take my OOC words and formulate your stupid IC propoganda about the Empire. Are you simply attempting to confuse the hell out of everyone, or do you really not realize what the @#%$ the difference between IC and OOC is?

Edit: I'll add, on an additional note, that everything you've said about the Empire is indeed very much correct. I can tell you, OOC, as I've been in both my previous posts in this thread, that I strive to MAKE the things you are saying correct. You trying to play off my OOC comments about how the Empire is bad and use it in your IC sarcastic tirades about the corruptness, hypocritical nature of the Empire, just makes you look completely and utterly rediculous. If you want to contort the words of my character, feel free to any time. Contorting the words of an OOC roleplayer in the IC universe however, is idiotic, unrealistic, and will never be taken seriously.
  • Posted On: Oct 22 2002 6:43am
Apologies. That post, however, was not supposed to be a direct response to your OOC post. I did use information that you put in your post in it, yes, but it was simply an article stemmed from the Imperial ways.

By the way, I did take your first OOC post about it not being a decleration of war as an IC statement that you didn't write up. I assumed that you would say that somewhere IC. I apologize if I was wrong.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Oct 22 2002 7:04am

Please re-read my first post in this thread, noting the "OOC:" in the first line of it.

As I had hoped would be clear: TNO has obstained(sp) from putting out ANY IC propoganda or IC comments about what is going on. We have done this with a specific desired effect.

I can understand your mistake. Everyone has done it before (mixing IC and OOC crap... sometimes not even directly or intentionally). Just be more careful in the future. I find it displeasing to read IC propoganda about something I said OOC. Very frustating.

Glad this is cleared up, though.
Posts: 185
  • Posted On: Oct 22 2002 7:29am
I think you spelt it right... although logically it should be abstained... our language follows it's own logic.