Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 12:09am
(Published on Holonet.)
<font size="5">A Letter to Dxun Isstal</font>
<font size="3">By Viryn Quell</font>
<p align="right"><table width="92%"><hr>
Quote:Careful, Viryn.
If you don't learn to keep your mouth, or pen, silent, you may find yourself on the wrong end of a blaster.
-Dxun Isstal, Holonet<hr></table></p>
Dear Mr. Isstal,
I was very disappointed at your threat posted over the holonet, recently. It's not as if I had high expectations for your savage, war-like government in the first place, but I'd hoped you wouldn't stoop to such petty, stupid, and immoral threats.
I'm afraid that, given that I fear your fickle little empire as much as I fear the prospect of Gash Jiren one day cutting his hair, I'll have to disagree with the portions of your extremely-ignorant post.
While it is obviously true that you are an arrogant little man with a well of bitterness and an inquenchable thirst for power, this does not excuse you from the repression of freedom of speech. This places you in infraction of even the most basic sentient rights. Frankly, this is simply appalling, as are you and your insignificant little faction and insignificant little principles.
I would have thought, as a faction which bases itself on New Alderaan, you would choose to honor freedom of the press, one of the most basic of Alderaan's values, something their honorable diplomats tried to instill in other cultures. Obviously, I was wrong. You are a disgusting little warlord who is a blight upon the fine legacy of Alderaan.
That you would even stoop so low as to issue a threat to press criticism places you just below Emperor Fearsons on the list of
Political Leaders Who Have Made Obvious Moral Blunders and Placed Them In Open Sight For Their Own Degradation.
I am, of course, of absolute neutrality. You have actually recieved less criticism than most, but reacted the most violently. Like a child in a Coruscant playground, you vehemently announced that I kicked you in the shin, and that you are now taking your ball and going home.
It's actually aggrivating to me, to see you act so legitmate and moral, like some kind of Rebellion-descendant, while you whore out your loyalty to whoever will give you a free planet and righteously sh
it upon the criticisms of innocent, unaligned authors. If you actually think you can repress the negative public opinion of you by issuing hollow, cheap threats like Chadd Fearsons issues vendettas, then you are mistaken. The negative public opinion of you could not be repressed by god himself, nevermind your petty playground antics.
As such, I will kindly ask you to accept freedom of the press as every other half legimate government has, and try not to make public statements like you're half-drunk and entirely stupid.
And don't be such a jackass. At least the Empire and Republic try to pretend their citizens are free and politely sweep incidents like this under the rug, instead of being loud and boisterous about oppressing people.
-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 3:11am
Viryn Quell seems to be making some very broad assumptions. Not only are you assuming that I would be so sore as to attempt murder, but you also attempt to degrade and insult not only me, but our government as a hole.
I'd say I was impressed with your attempts to critize and keep from portarying yourself as a biased and utterly unworthy man, but I do my best not to lie.
Believe what you will, but the GDI does not condone murder. I support freedom of speach, and would not attempt to destroy it, but there are some not nearly as liberal as me.
You, naturally, jumped to conclusions about my threatening you. I can't blame you, but try to keep an open mind.
After all, you may not like it, but what I say is true.
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 3:50am
<p align="right"><table width="92%"><hr>Quote:
Careful, Viryn.
If you don't learn to keep your mouth, or pen, silent, you may find yourself on the wrong end of a blaster.
-Dxun Isstal, Holonet<hr></table></p>
What a horridly broad statement from which I would extrapolate a threat. Whether or not you use Coruscant gutter slang like "on the wrong end of a blaster", I assure you, I can divine from your muddled speech just what it is you mean.
You have not shown a drop of intent other than to fill your own pockets with money and acquire power. Whereas I have literally shown myself to be free of bias, you have done nothing to dispute this. So regardless of your attempt to spin your threatening a reporter as an innocent comment made to a threat to government interest, no one is really taken by your lies.
I can't really blame you for trying to duck and cover your own ass, but try to put even a modicum of effort into debating my solidly-based charges.
After all, you may not like it, but what I say is true.
-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 4:00am
Obviously, you can't. If you were able to divine what I am saying you would see the truth. Maybe you are to blinded by your own hatred of your betters, or maybe you have some other crippling emotional problem I do not know of.
What the GDI does, and what I do, is for the betterment of this galaxy. The way you see it, frankly, doesn't matter to me. Unlike others, the leaders you so love to insult and degrade, you have no sense of what is right.
You see peace as a neccessity, as most do. You fail to see, however, that to atain peace war is invetable.
Rather than try and take an active role to make or keep peace, you simply insult those who strive to atain that peace.
Rather than help the galaxy, you must litter it with your insults directed at those who have worked for years for peace.
If you're such an advocate of peace, then do something about it. Instead of yelling about how the Force is a cult and everyone is corrupt, strive to attain peace.
After all, you say its what you want, don't you?
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 7:59am
I agree with one thing Isstal said:
His government is a hole
What it's filled with I leave to your imagination
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 3:07pm
"Striving to attain peace", my very narrow-sighted friend, is precisely what I am doing. Simply because I do not have a gun in my hand doesn't mean I am being complacent. Being a voice of an oft-trod upon people in a time when everyone refuses to listen is as worthy a cause -- if not more so -- than any war you wage. People who have spoken softly have been rolled over again and again by you who refuse to listen; so it's time for me to, yes, shout. Perhaps then the message will resound home.
I'm not quite sure how you, Gash Jiren, Daemon Hyfe, and Chadd Fearsons bitterly scrapping for territory is bringing the galaxy peace, nor am I sure how you throwing your loyalty out to anyone and everyone you see is instilling harmony in everyone.
And what you perhaps forget is that I have every right in the galaxy to insult you, your government, your fleet, and your pets, while you have absolutely no right to threaten me. This is what the press does, and we have been an effective instrument of positive change and informing of the people well back into early human history, and that of most sentient races. I'm sorry if I interpreted "Careful, Viryn. If you don't learn to keep your mouth, or pen, silent, you may find yourself on the wrong end of a blaster" as a threat; perhaps it was a love message written in code, or a warning about the coming apocalypse. Perhaps if I take the first letter of each word...
And I'll say it again; simply because I am not building a fleet and killing people doesn't mean I'm somehow sitting at home, drinking Corellian Ale and not giving a shit. Perhaps if you actually read what I wrote you wouldn't be so quick to judge; I've had enough of you and others tossing about fleets as quickly as a foam rubber ball, with no sign of remorse.
I could, quite easily, get myself elected on a planet as the president, begin amassing a fleet, and join this glorious conquest for peace. I'm quite popular among the general populace who have read my work, and I have three degrees from the Caridian Military College in Basic, Politics, and history. Or I could just accept the job offers I recieve every day.
Here are some reasons I don't.
Every time you destroy a Carrack Cruiser, 1,000 people die.
Every time you destroy an Interdictor Cruiser, 2,000 people die.
Every time you destroy a Victory Star Destroyer, 5,000 people die.
Every time you destroy a Dreadnaught, 16,000 people die.
Every time you destroy an Imperial Star Destroyer, 36,000 people die.
Every time you destroy a Super Star Destroyer, 280,000 people die.
Every time you destroy an Eclipse Star Destroyer, 850,000 people die.
And that Death Star everyone banged their drums about destroying? Somewhere around 1,204,075 people died on it. And not just Rogue Empire personell, but diplomatic missions onboard.
Given that I am "filling the galaxy with insults", while you and your allies are filling the galaxy with millions of dead bodies, I'd say I'm doing a better job.
-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 5:19pm
And yet your articles, insults, and 'shouting' have done nothing to bring peace. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ill-tempered peace we experianced before Chadd's attack on Fondor was thanks, not to you and your writing, but to the New Order's diligent watchdog attitude toward the Rogue Empire.
Face it, if you want peace, war is going to happen. And when there is war, people die. At least they died for a reason. When you die, well, what have you accomplished?
Posted On:
Aug 19 2002 10:20pm
Mr. Isstal. Perhaps you don't quite understand this concept. Perhaps you choose not to.
This is not about me. There are a trillion trillion members of the press in the galaxy, many of them writing just as negative articles as mine. Simply because you choose to notice and threaten me does not make this about me, my life, or my intentions. If you want to learn about me, turn on VNN. I'm sure they'll be airing my interview with Victor Barrell at all hours.
The purpose of the press -- of which you are not and have never been a part -- is to draw attention to the actions of those in power, those who matter to the people. You are one of these people. I have drawn negative attention to you, because I -- and many, many others -- disapprove of you and your actions. Because I am a member of the press, I am entitled and, indeed, obliged to do this. If you would prefer I sugar-coat the truth, to pretend the galaxy is just filled with love and esteem for you, well, you're up shit's creek, aren't you?
Attempting to draw the attention away from the story and towards the person writing it is not only tactless and naive, but it lends force to my case that you are unfit to lead a band of dead Wookiees down a Coruscant garbage shaft, never mind an empire.
Welcome to the real world, Mr. Isstal. Not everyone loves you, and most especially not the press. The press can and will criticise you at every available opportunity. If you refuse to refute the facts, and instead attempt to put your own stupidity on ready display by shouting "But, but, Viryn Quell is ugly and mean!", that's your choice. But try to do it out of the public eye, where you are steadily making yourself appear more and more inept.
You are a warmonger who has been rooting for the Juutralian Empire to turn down the Empire's terms of surrender since day one, so that you can leap in and buy more territory with sentient lives. You are an oppressive warmonger who has threatened a member of the press in an attempt to deny free speach. And you are unversed in how a government is supposed to react to the press.
These are facts, and you have not attempted to argue that any of them are any less true. And, regardless of whether you think I am mean, ugly, stupid, tactless, wasteful, ignorant, loud, boastful, boisterous, or insulting, the people need and desire to know of them -- and because of the way I do things, some (believe it, or not) desire to know of them from me.
When I die, I will die content knowing I have informed a people about the galaxy they are living in.
-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author
Posted On:
Aug 20 2002 2:45am
Oh, do go on. Maybe you just haven't been listening, or maybe you chose to ignore it. But in all your writing there is one key thing you conviently leave out: the truth.
Your writings are not stories reporting on what has happened, though that may be the way you see them. Your so-called stories are lies, intended to shadow the truth and turn the galaxy against itself.
Maybe I'm stupid, but how does a yearning for peace make me a warmonger? I strive to attain peace, as I've told you enough times (though apparently, it hasb't penetrated your somewhat thick skull).
You are not a member of the press, you a liar, and either very, very, stupid or just unwilling to face truth.
What the Initiative does, what we all do, is to fight for peace. You say I am inept? That would be why the GDI thrives. You say I pasy for terriroty with the lives of my people?
That would be why, in this entire war with the Rogue Empire, not a single GDI live has been lost. And in fact, a GDI warship has yet to fire on a Rogue Imperial ship.
Sure, people died on the Death Star when my soldiers where there, but surely even a man like you would agree that if that battlestation had survived many more would have died.
Next time, at least try to pretend you're telling the truth.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2002 1:23pm
Oh, dear. Why, it seems the infalliable Dxun Isstal has resorted to the deplorable character assassination he so vehemently blasts me for! Whatever will we do without our becon of hope and justice!?
For you see, my dear man, you have not gained an inch of ground in this little struggle with the Rogue Empire, but rather you have bought leniency from the Empire. This time. And the next, they will hit you unpreparedly, and then, the price will be paid. My words may well become prophecy, for though you know it not, the Empire doesn't share power. You'll either conform to their agenda of wiping out the Republic -- which, yes, does exist and is freely and openly admitted, whether or not there is currently a war -- or be destroyed. Either way, you have bought not territory, but leniency, with the lives of your people. Because life under the Empire's banner is as it has always been; tyranny. That is why the Rebellion brought the Empire down from power in the first place, in efforts you yourself have called "brave".
And perhaps it has escaped you that simply saying you're striving for peace isn't enough. I mean, you say you are, just like you say I'm a liar, but where's the proof? Where is even a shred of evidence that anything I've said is a lie? You can't call my opinion a lie -- it's my opinion, and it's just as valid as yours. You can't deny that you have bartered a truce with both the Republic and Empire, thereby sealing your fate as a participant in some sort of galactic conflict that probably isn't even your own. You seem to just say things, and, instead of backing them up with reasoning, merely expect them -- as if by magic -- to ring true and pure. They don't.
You say I am not a member of the press. Yet, I am. So, I'll just say that you're a member of an illegitimate government. Will that make it true, as well?
I'll reply no further to this mockery of a co-respondance. I think that, in time, certain things will become readily apparent.
-Viryn Quell,
Freelance Author