*shrugs* I've become a better duelist since you and I were pitted against each other.
Im not new...
Bah he fell...
Aye, but I was only a Knight then.
I was a LONG time ago.
I cant remember being a Knight... LOL
*huggles his wife back, then goes back to fighting his computer for control.*
I was a Knight for four months I think. *scratches head* I was promoted by Nathaniel after that. As was Ren Janggar who's "dead" now. Oh, tell Maim I said he should bring Nathaniel back.
you tell him...
*goes to lunch while still at work..* BB in 30 mins.
*goes to lunch while still at work..* BB in 30 mins.
I won't be. HEY MAIM, BRING BACK NATHANIEL. We could sorely use him. RJO has no leader.