Posted On:
Dec 29 2006 10:00pm
Death, my friend (I hope you don't mind if I call you Death... I'd do it in small Caps, like Terry, but this stupid interface won't allow me) you are free to craft and create any sort of character you want. That said, be reasonable about it. And remember to start at the beginning, not at the end as so many new members try. We're only too happy to help you progress, but you'll find that the community gets very angry when our advice is not heeded.
So yeah, you can post your Biography whenever you like. Doubtless, other members will comment, offer suggestions and/or advice and so on. And if it's your writing that you wish to work on, to develop, then you've come to the right place assuming you fall in with the right crowd. I'll explain that later on, when you can tell the difference between our Mega-Authors and our Mega-Posters.
Edit: Oh, and I simply must know... who or what is that image you have employed as your avatar from?
Posted On:
Dec 29 2006 10:13pm
lol it's from this thing called warhammer 40k it's a miniature collects thing that i got into a little while back. Guys looks sweet as hell and really fun to collect and put together, but the gamming part i'm not to fond of.
I'll try and make sure i do everythiing right, atleast i hope. Right now i just have a massive erge to write and rp thing. But i skulked for the last 2 days just looking at writing i've looked at the rules and are going to look at lists of planets and are in process of writing biography just as soon as i figure out if going to be jedi sith or what ever.
Also please tell me if i get over top annoying or piss anyone off at any point.
Also how can i like talk to a jedi master or trainer about joining them or how do i go about joining anythign else.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 12:53am
ok i'm not sure if i should even begin to be considering this but i see alot of people like create their own goverments and groups and empire etc. How would anyoen go abotu doign something like this.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 1:24am
Don't even consider it. Not yet. I don't say this out of malice, but to protect you. Leave the whole Faction thing out of your mind for now.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 1:26am
Don't go down that route yet. All new members are warned not to as I was. Some listen, some don't. Be patient and learn from those in this forum. ANYONE here is very open to new ideas but it's always wise to get experience under your belt first. Listen to Beff.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 1:30am
i intend to thanks for the warning it's jsut i got a few great ideas for a cool little collection of seystmes or soemthing. But i guess you guys are right and i probably should get a little more experienced ok, hey also like i said how would i go about eventually joining a faction liek the sith, jedi, coalition etc
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 4:05am
In the forum page go down to the bottom where the factions are. Click into those and look around then post a greeting in the faction and make an application then it will be reviewed.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 7:35am
I think you've got a lot of good advice here (I've just been skimming). For the faction thing, ideas are good and cool. We like ideas. What we don't like is when someone new shows up, screws with SW canon and with TRF "canon" and ignores the advice of probably every single active TRF veteran and puts their idea above TRF as a community. So ideas=good, just make sure they can be integrated into TRF and be willing to abandon them if they can't. And don't start your own faction until you have been around a while and have proven that you have the time and dedication to run a faction.
If you go the Jedi route, the Galactic Coalition (GC) would be more than happy to have you explain your idea to us and we would help you integrate it into TRF. As for having a Jedi character and a GC character, not at all unccomon. Many Jedi are also GC members, in fact both active Jedi Masters created GC with me a few years ago (yet it seems like yesterday).
If you go the Sith route, they can help you integrate your idea into their ideas, TSO and TNO (the Sith Order and the New Order [Empire]).
If you choose a third route, us veterans would be more than happy to help with your ideas.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2006 4:25pm
cool actually becommign a jedi and then galactic coalition seems cool and yes i have cooled off on that idea atleast for moment because i kind of realised what running my own faction would take and i don't think i wanna do that yet. But i just have one question what is the galactic coalition.